Saturday, March 12, 2016

DEATH BATTLE Predictions: Dante VS. Bayonetta

In case you were wondering...

We’d argue against compositing reboot and classic Dante. Reboot Dante has a major change in his background, being a Nephalem (half demon, half angel) instead of a human/demon hybrid. Additionally a lot of his abilities are centered around utilizing both demon and angel-based powers he inherits from that ancestry. Since classic Dante doesn't have that same ancestry he probably can't access to a lot of those powers himself (specifically the angel ones), making him different from reboot Dante in a significant way. Classic Dante's biology could also be significantly different due to those changes in ancestry as well. Also some abilities, particularly Dante’s Devil Trigger, work differently in the new game than they do in the original games. Not to mention fans of the Devil May Cry franchise as a whole tend to dislike reboot Dante and think his personality clashes with that of the original.



Height: Most guess him to be around 6’0.

Weight: Most guess him to be around 200 lbs.

Age: According to a Game Informer interview with Hiroyuki Kobayashi, the director of Devil May Cry 4, Dante is in his 30s by the 4th game, which canonically is the 2nd to last game, taking place before Devil May Cry 2 (if you want to include that less-than-stellar installment). Though, it’s vague as to whether he’s referring to his age in terms of physical appearance, or his actual age. Being half-demon, it stands to reason Dante doesn’t age like normal humans, and seems to consistently have the physique of someone in their early to mid-20s.

Dante is a half demon who was born from a relationship between Legendary Dark Knight, Sparda, a demon who betrayed his brethren and sealed the gate between Hell and Earth, and a human woman named, Eva. At the age of 8 his father was already dead. His mother died at the hands of demons shortly after, and Vergil, his twin brother, was presumed by him to be dead from the same demons. It was here that Dante met a human by the name of Enzo, and his break into the demon hunting gig began.

He handled various demon hunting jobs prior, but it wasn’t until Devil May Cry 3 (among the best character action games ever made BTW) that his powers were put to the test when he received an ‘invitation’ from his brother Vergil in the form of Arkham (an evil douchebag demon dressed as a priest) setting loose some demons. Dante naturally dealt with said demons, began climbing the tower Temen Ni Gru, fought through various foes, and took down Arkham alongside Vergil, ending with a final duel against his brother.

Then came the original Devil May Cry where Trish (a demon lady whose dark soul Dante, “Filled with LIGHT”) gave Dante a rude greeting in the form of impalement (which kind of became a staple later on), and told him of a test by the demon emperor, Mundus. After fighting through various foes again, he slayed Mundus, escaped the island the game takes place on, and began working with Trish in killing demons.

Proceeding that is Devil May Cry 4, which starred a new hero, Nero, but featured Dante doing various asskickings along the way, including destroying several Hellgates and demons, and helping Nero in the final boss fight. Finally there’s the title most dedicated fans of Devil May Cry probably want to forget about, Devil May Cry 2. In it Dante assists a girl named Lucia in taking down a demonic businessman, in a story that - even by the goofy standards the Devil May Cry series has set - is kind of stupid.

That’s it for the mainline games, though Ninja Theory unfortunately rebooted the franchise with DmC: Devil May Cry. For better or worse, the game mostly does away with the oh so crucial story of the original Devil May Cry series, instead making Dante fight against an oppressive demon-ran government (and for some reason they thought it was a good idea to make Dante an unlikable douchebag).

And in between all that Dante starred in an anime interquel and manga prequel, was a playable character in Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, Viewtiful Joe, and Ultimate Marvel VS. Capcom 3, and has been widely seen as one of Capcom’s most iconic characters. He and his games very much represent the archetype for many action games that have followed in wake of the Devil May Cry series, including God of War, Darksiders, Metal Gear Rising, and yes, even Bayonetta.


Height: Unless we’re assuming Bayonetta’s head is the size of a pear, most estimate her height to be between 7’7 and 8’2. Granted, heights in Bayonetta are all over the place.

Weight: Most guess around 200 lbs.

Age: Over 500 years old. A young, late 20s to early 30s woman physically.

Bayonetta is the forbidden child of the Lumen Sage, Balder, and the Umbra Witch, Rosa, members of two clans dedicated to maintaining the balance between light & darkness in the human realm. This forbidden birth, which was foretold in a prophecy of doom, spurred distrust between the two clans, with each blaming the other for allowing it to happen, and acted as the catalyst for an ensuing conflict called the Clan Wars. These wars initially ended in the destruction of the Lumen sages. However, Balder, the last surviving Lumen Sage, managed to spur the extinction of all the remaining witches except two, Bayonetta and another one named Jeanne, by convincing the humans into killing the weakened witch clan with propaganda.

After the war Bayonetta was sealed away by Jeanne for a few centuries before being rediscovered by supporting character, Luka’s father (while also sporting plot convenient amnesia). She then got dragged into a world threatening conflict involving her father, Balder and his attempts to resurrect a being called Jubileus The Creator, who was apparently going to recreate the world with the power of something called Eyes of the World (two beings that best represent the elements of light and darkness, of which Bayonetta is one). Fortunately, Bayonetta was able to stop Balder's plans from coming to fruition, with the help of the other surviving witch, Jeanne.

Bayonetta then got involved in another conflict in Bayonetta 2 that involved some wacky time travel hijinks with a past version of her father and the original creator of the human realm, Aesir. Throughout her games, Bayonetta often acts very nonchalant and indifferent, but is actually quite caring to people who get to know her. Although in contrast she’s very brutal to her enemies, and often remorseless upon their defeat. Bayonetta is typically calm and playful in most situations and is very rarely stressed or shocked at events around her.



Devil Arms

Dante uses a set of weapons known as “Devil Arms”, living weapons that contain the power and soul of various demons. The demons who manifest as these weapons normally need to be subdued, defeated, or convinced to help Dante of their own will before they can be wielded. Additionally when Dante enters his Devil Trigger forms (explained below) he can harness the power of these weapons to slightly modify the physical form and abilities his Devil Trigger will take on.

 An iconic claymore with magical power given to Dante as a keepsake by his father. It was in a dormant stage when Dante first obtained it, but “awakened” upon contact with his blood when he was impaled during a fight with his brother in Devil May Cry 3.

With it he can perform…
    Stinger - A basic forward sliding stab good for covering distance, and approaching enemies safely. Interestingly enough this is the move Dante uses exclusively during his level 3 hyper combo, Dante Must Die, in Ultimate Marvel VS. Capcom 3. In it he could generate a surge of energy to blow foes away.
    Helm Breaker - An overhead strike designed to break through armor and the bones of demons.
    High Time - A launcher-esque move where Dante propels opponents into the air with an upward strike. It’s ideal to follow up with some aerial strikes after this.
    Million Stab - A quick multi-hitting attack where Dante throws out a flurry of thrusts.
    Drive - A chargeable projectile that can be shot from Dante’s sword. Think the Sword Beam from The Legend of Zelda, minus having to be at full health to use it.
    Pop Shredder - Dante spins his sword around rapidly, shredding is foes for extra damage while also propelling them into the air.
    Sword Pierce - Dante hurls Rebellion at his enemy impaling them. He can make the blade return to him or follow up with a powerful kick to further impale his enemies.
    Killer Bee - A diving kick Dante can use to follow up the Sword Pierce attack by striking from above.
    Aerial Rave - A series of airborne attacks Dante can use to wrack up damage.
    Dance Macabre - A rapid series of strikes from Rebellion Dante uses to overwhelm opponents.
    Crazy Dance - An even more rapid version of Dance Macabre where Dante plants Rebellion into the ground and twirls around on its handle kicking all enemies around him.
 A triple-linked nunchaku infused with the power of ice that can perform a variety of cryokinetic attacks, including…
Revolver - The Stinger of Cerberus where Dante spins forward bringing Cerberus down on his opponent with a series of vertical strikes.
    Windmill - Dante spins the nunchucks forward.
    Satellite - Dante twirls Cerberus around him damaging all enemies in the vicinity.
    Million Carats - Dante produces a large ice glacier in front of him by smashing Cerberus into the ground.
    Crystal - Dante creates several ice glaciers around him.
    Ice Age - A defensive move where Dante encases himself in ice making him temporarily invulnerable to damage.
-You can see the first time Dante got Cerberus here.

Agni and Rudra
 A dual-set of scimitars imbued with the power of Lousy’s two favorite elements, fire and wind respectively. These two weapons can be used for slashing attacks, or be brought together to form a double bladed sword. The special moves to this weapon are as follows...

    Jet-Stream - Dante lunges forward with both weapons performing a series of rapid strikes.
    Aerial Cross - An aerial attack where Dante strikes across his opponent with Agni and Rudra making an X-shaped slash.
    Whirlwind - Agni & Rudra’s launcher. Dante spins the blades around at supersonic speeds (according to the description), hurling foes into the air using the power of fire and wind.
    Million Slash - Dante quickly slashes with the 2 blades performing multiple strikes.
    Sky Dance - The Aerial Rave equivalent to Agni & Rudra where Dante swings both swords in midair to slash through airborne foes.
    Cross Swords - Dante performs an X-shaped slash on the ground.
    Crawler - Dante plunges both swords into the ground producing a trail of fire that shoots forward damaging enemies from afar.
Twister - Dante produces a tornado of fire damaging foes around him.
-You can see the first time Dante got Agni and Rudra here.

 A literal electric guitar that can summon swarms of electric bats to send towards opponents as a projectile attack or produce bolts of lightning. The guitar is also comprised of a large scythe that can be used for melee attacks.The notable attacks available to this crazy weapon are…

    Jam Session - Dante rapidly produces bats until a small twister of them surround him damaging all enemies in the vicinity while a sick guitar riff plays.
    Reverb Shock - Dante charges at the enemy with Nevan producing an electrical barrier at the end.
    Bat Rift - Dante swings Nevan into the air
    Air Raid - Exclusive to this forms Devil Trigger. Allows Dante to briefly glide using the wings he has in his Devil Trigger, fire bolts of electricity (something that is VERY easy to spam in Ultimate Marvel VS. Capcom 3), and perform a spinning move that creates a vortex around him as he charges towards his opponent.
    Feedback - Dante spins his guitar around himself hitting all enemies in the vicinity.
Crazy Roll - Dante continues to spin even faster producing an even larger amount of electricity while stepping forward to damage foes.
    Distortion - A chargeable move where Dante summons a large number of bats to shoot forward. It’s slower, but much more powerful than it would be to summon bats using normal combos.
-You can see the first time Dante got Nevan here

 A set of greaves and gauntlets that that Vergil initially gained upon defeating Beowulf the Lightbeast, but were later used by Dante. They give him a variety of close-range moves that possess an uncanny resemblance to Street Fighter moves (funny because Dante shares the same voice actor as Ken Masters), and deal light-based damage. These are those Street Fighter moves...

Beehive - A flurry of kicks that is followed up with an axe-kick. The axe kick can be charged for extra damage.

- A follow-up to Beehive where Dante throws a rapid series of punches ending with a haymaker.
    Beast Uppercut - A chargeable uppercut that launches enemies into the sky.
    Rising Dragon - Basically a Shoryuken.
    Straight - The stinger of the Beowulf weapon. Dante slides forward with a powerful punch.
    Zodiac - Dante attacks his opponent with charged energy released from his fist (hmm, what does this look like?).
    Hammer - A double-fisted haymaker that leaves a large impact crater, smashing enemies to the ground.
    Real Impact - One of the most powerful moves in Devil May Cry 3. Dante focuses his power into 1 attack that decimates anything unlucky enough to get hit by it.
    Volcano - Dante slams his fist to the ground to produce a large explosion (the game describes it as a supernova, but it being a literal one would be stupid).
-You can see the first time Vergil (not Dante) got it here

 Known as the Thunder Sword and Spirit of Lightning, Alastor is a Devil Arm that helps Dante tap into his latent demonic powers. It’s wielded similarly to Rebellion, but grants Dante the ability to imbue some of his attacks with electricity. It initially attempted to enslave Dante, but was ultimately put under his command. With it he can strike quickly enough to perform multiple sword strikes before glass shards can hit the ground.

-You can see the first time Dante got Alastor here

 A pair of fire-based gauntlets. Like Alastor, it tried to control Dante, but became wieldable by him instead. Interestingly enough the Frost demons are stated to be immune even to the fires of a volcano yet are very vulnerable to the hellish fire of Ifrit. The only move it has that Beowulf does not is Rolling Blaze where Dante surrounds himself with hellfire that damages enemies.

-You can see the first time Dante got Ifrit here

 A set of armor, greaves, gauntlets, and mask, made of a demonic metal that transforms organic substances into steel. Each pair of gauntlets and greaves have built in thrusters, which increase the speed and power of Dante’s attacks. In spite of this the weapons are slow relative to others Dante has available, but when they hit, they hit hard, (Example: The almighty one-inch punch). The gauntlets and greaves also have drills and sawblades installed on them that can increase in size the longer they’re charged (because bigger drills are always better). Virtually all of its moves are taken directly from Beowulf (here are two videos to compare the moves).

-You can see the first time Dante got it here

 A demonic suitcase capable of transforming into 666 unique weapons. The weapon has a Disaster Gauge that determines the strength of its Gunslinger moves. This gauge can be filled or depleted depending on which attack is used. The 7 specific modes used from the weapon are…

    PF013: Epidemic: Turns Pandora into a blowgun, though it looks more like a small missile launcher to us. Fills the disaster gauge.
    PF125: Hatred: Turns Pandora into a bazooka. Projectiles from said bazooka can reduce enemies to ashes. Fills the disaster gauge.
    PF398: Revenge: Turns Pandora into a laser cannon. Fills the disaster gauge.
    PF262: Jealousy: Turns Pandora into a gatling gun. Fills the disaster gauge.
    PF594: Argument: Turns Pandora into a small vehicle capable of firing a multitude of homing missiles (up to 14). Consumes disaster gauge.
    PF422: Grief: Turns Pandora into a triple-bladed shuriken-esque boomerang. It always comes back to Dante, but will seek out any opponent he locks onto. Consumes disaster gauge.
    PF666: Omen: Dante opens the suitcase creating a blast of light that damages all surrounding enemies in a large explosion.
-You can see the first time Dante got it here

A backpack-like apparatus that is able to summon an indefinite amount of spectral swords made of pure energy. Each sword can be individually arranged in midair, thrown, or wielded as a short range weapon. Each sword is also explosive and will explode after a few seconds of an impact or on Dante’s command.

-You can see the first time Dante got it here

Sword of Sparda (the awakened form of Force Edge)
The Sword of Sparda is a demon-forged blade once used by the Legendary Dark Knight, Sparda himself. This legendary blade has been magically imbued with the his essence and is considered a source of god-like power within the Devil May Cry continuity. It often switches between a default sword form, and a scythe form during combat. Although Dante wields it most similarly to rebellion most of the time. Its full power can only be wielded by Dante or his brother. Dante occasionally loans out this sword to the Devil May Cry support character, Trish for her own use. But he usually receives it back from her. It has 2 notable additional moves...

Meteor: Dante shoots fireballs from his fist. This move is chargeable.

Dante spins around with the weapon slashing at foes while protecting himself.
-You can see the first time Dante got it Here

A dark-forged katana that’s normally used by Vergil, but was briefly used by Dante in Devil May Cry 4. It has an incredibly sharp cutting edge, capable of cutting through just about anything. We say “just about” because while the description says it can cut anything that would naturally also apply to the weapons Dante regularly used in his clashes with Vergil. So it’s probably hyperbole. Dante doesn’t use too many moves in gameplay while using Yamato, but with the Dark Slayer style he can perform several dimensional slashes, and an air slash capable of cutting apart a large stone monument from several dozen meters away. He likely can perform some of the more complex moves Vergil uses too.
Misc. melee weapons

In Devil May Cry 2 Dante could use Merciless, a pitch-black long broadsword that is incredibly weak in its damage output, but has great reach. Vendetta is opposite of Merciless. It does more damage than any other broadsword in Devil May Cry 2, but has poor reach. Both are wielded similarly to Rebellion.


Ebony and Ivory
Dante’s 2 primary, semi-automatic firearms, specially made by him with the idea of fast drawing in mind. The white gun, Ivory, is built for rapidly firing while the black gun, Ebony, was built for targeting enemies from a long distance. This doesn’t seem to be present in the actual gameplay, but it’s worth considering. Dante is capable of charging demonic energy into both handguns to produce a Charged Shot. With Twosome Time he can fire in 2 different directions from pretty much anywhere. He’ll also mercilessly gun downed enemies then kick them away with Wild Stomp. Thanks to magic Ebony and Ivory possess a seemingly endless clip, meaning they never have to be reloaded. Both guns are powerful enough to fire bullets packing enough force to propel foes through solid stone, juggle enemies in midair, and propel Dante himself in the air. Because fuck physics.
Luce & Ombra
A set of semi-automatic pistols that were custom made by Sparda (like father like son), that replace Dante’s Ebony & Ivory in Devil May Cry. Dante should be able to do anything with these guns that he can with Ebony & Ivory.
A laser gun that shoots beams imbued with demonic energy. It can lock onto one or multiple enemies, focus its energy into larger balls of energy and rapidly fire hundreds of bullets into the air which rain down on enemies.

 Dante’s second most used firearm. The shotgun shares many of the demonic properties found in Ebony and Ivory. However unlike his twin handguns, the shotgun is far more effective at a close range instead of a long range. Dante also gets another more powerful shotgun weapon called Coyote-A in DMC4. He has a move with Coyote A where he thrusts it into an enemy’s body and fires, similar to the Stinger, but more brutal.

A projectile weapon that fires green lasers that can ricochet, and be charged to fire more powerful shots. It uses up Devil Trigger energy when fired. One of the strongest long range weapons in Devil May Cry.

A powerful armor-piercing sniper rifle. Dante can make the bullets ricochet of multiple walls to make it increase in speed and power, and target weak-points of specific enemies to increase damage.
Kalina Ann
A rocket-launcher given to Dante by Lady. It fires standard missiles, can shoot off a series of smaller missiles at once with Hysteric, and pull enemies towards Dante or let him grapple from point to point with Grapple.
Grenade Launcher
A basic grenade launcher that seems to be based off of an M32. While the shots are slow, they’re very powerful.
Missile Launcher
A heat-seeking, stinger-esque missile launcher Dante uses in Devil May Cry 2. It’s a nice little toy, but can’t do anything Kalina Ann can do already.
Submachine Guns
A set of submachine guns with a high fire-rate, but low damage output.
A large, rapid-fire marine gun that shoots off many weak needles. This weapon can only be used by Dante while underwater.


Bayonetta has a HUGE assortment of over the top weapons. She has an interesting quirk of wearing weapons with both her feet and hands at once. While most weapons or pairs of weapons can be used with both her feet and her arms, some can only be used on one set of appendages. For clarity we’ll specify which in the segments below. Additionally almost all of Bayonetta’s weapons have been crafted or modified from pre-existing weapons by the fallen angel, and certified badass motherfucking demon smith known as Rodin.

A few things worth noting

-Many of Bayonetta weapons can be “charged” for new effects, which is referred to as the charge modifier. The weapons also typically have a special ability known as bullet climax as well.

-We’ll mention if the wicked weaves Bayonetta uses during a weapon change to a significant degree if I’m aware of any changes.

-Like most of Dante’s guns, all projectiles weapons never have to be reloaded.

Scarborough Fair
A set of 4 large handguns crafted by the demon smith, Rodin. Each gun has been custom designed from some sort of unnamed demonic alloy and is capable of channeling and handling Bayonetta’s magic powers. Its shots are capable of ricocheting off walls. In terms of effectiveness they’re an all-around weapon effective in both close range and long range situations. Bayonetta can use one pair of the weapons with arms and the second pair with her legs. Each of the guns in the Scarborough fair set has a specific name: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme. The Scarborough fair guns were actually destroyed towards the beginning of Bayonetta 2. Whether she would have them in a Death battle is questionable.

Bullet Climax: Bayonetta stands motionless and concentrates on aiming on enemies and objects around her. She can easily hit targets all her sides and above her without changing her foot stance with little difficulty.

Charge Modifier: Causes Scarborough Fair to fire off 5 shots rapidly in a row in a move called.

Love is Blue
 Another set of 4 guns crafted by demon smith, Rodin. They all have individual names: Prelude, Minuet, Toccata and Nocturne. Functionally, they’re pretty similar to the Scarborough Fair guns, being designed as replacements, and possess the same core abilities. Bayonetta can use one pair with her arms and the second with her feet.

Hand guns
 Ordinary automatic handguns. These guns handle similarly to the Love is Blue and Scarborough flair, but cannot handle the magical power or physical force of Bayonetta’s attacks well, making them prone to breaking mid fight. Bayonetta herself refers to these hand guns as “toys” and typically only uses them in combat when she doesn’t have any more powerful weapons on her person or when she decides to “challenge herself”.

A good example of how badly normal handguns handle Bayonetta’s power is during the first chapter of the original game. During a cutscene where Bayonetta is getting attack by angels, Robin actually has to throw her dozens of handguns mid battle in order to replace the ones she keeps breaking by fighting.

Onyx Roses
 A pair of sawed off shotguns that contain the souls of fairies who once collected plants called Onxy Roses in the land of Inferno. The weapons contain a curse in every shell of the weapon fired.

Because they’re shot gun weapons they have less range and more power in comparison to Bayonetta’s more standard weapons. They also have a lower rate of fire and have good stunning capability. Bayonetta has two pairs of this weapon, one she can use with her arms and a second to use with her legs. Its Bullet Climax is similar to Scarborough fair and love is blue. Bayonetta stands in one place and concentrates on aiming and firing on enemies within her immediate vicinity. She can freely aim in all directions with supreme accuracy, and jump in the air while spinning to rapidly spray bullets around the vicinity. With the Charge Modifier Bayonetta can charge the shots from the Onxy Roses, which results in the rapid firing of several shots in a row. Bullets released from the weapon during a charge attack can bounce off solid substances once or twice.

A living katana that pulses with the heart of a demon god of war named Asura (not to be confused with the puncher of all things and body-er of planets, Asura). The blade is constantly seeking out the blood of its victims, and can even suck out their souls upon defeat. It’s one of the better-rounded melee weapons at Bayonetta’s disposal having adequate range, power and speed. She wields it in her hands. When equipped Bayonetta’s Wicked Weave Punches take on the form of giant spectral blades. It is implied on the wiki that these blades are not truly the limbs of any particular demon, but instead just some form of destructive demonic energy. Moonlight Massacre is a special attack Bayonetta can perform with Shuraba where she draws a demonic seal in front of her with the blade and then either slashes it horizontally or vertically. The vertical slash also creates a beam of energy. Due to the time needed to prepare this attack it in unsuitable on non-stunned enemies.

Bullet Climax: Consists of Bayonetta spinning with the Shuraba outstretched creating a miniature tornado of sword slashes.

Charge Modifier: Bayonetta can sheath the Shuraba, charge and then quick draw the blade in a burst of power much more powerful than a normal sword swing. This is also known as Iaijutsu.

A whip that houses the soul of an ancient serpentine named Kulshedra. It summons her demonic strength through a dimensional portal on the whips hilt. This whip allows for good reach, crowd control and speed, although it deals less damage to its foes. Bayonetta uses this weapon with her arms.

Wicked Weaves: Some of Bayonetta’s normal weaves will become backhand attacks.

Charge Modifier: Bayonetta can charge and throw the Kulshedra towards nearby opponents to wrap and ensnare them. Afterwards Bayonetta can pull those enemies towards her for follow up attacks, swing them around, or pull herself towards her opponent for a follow-up attack. This grabbing maneuver generally only works on opponents of a relatively small size, although it can also work on larger enemies if Bayonetta has Witch Time activated when using the attack.

A pair of greaves & gauntlets that channel the power an imprisoned demon named Durga. The weapons can switch between a lighting and fire element and are best used for short range combat. Bayonetta has two sets of the weapon, allowing her to equip them to both her arms and legs at the same time.

Bullet Climax: Bayonetta spins around with her arms outstretched to hit nearby enemies. Doing this also changes the element that the durga currently has equipped (from electricity to fire or vice versa).

Wicked Weaves: The wicked weaves for either Bayonetta’s arms or feet become fingernail thrusts or claw swipes. The wicked Weaves also gain an elemental property based on what element of the durga Bayonetta is currently using.

Durga (Fire Element)
Charge Modifier: Charging Durga with the fire element activated will cause the weapon to drop a skull-shaped mine that erupts in a wave of fire. The longer the charge the greater the eruption.

Fire Immunity: Durga grants heat/fire immunity to the limbs the weapon is equipped to as long as they are in fire mode.

Durga (Lightning Element)
Charge Modifier: when charged in lighting mode Durga creates a spear of lighting that can damage nearby enemies.

Lightning Immunity: grants immunity to lighting on any of Bayonetta’s limbs the weapon is equipped to.

A pair of skates that holds the soul of a demonic witch named Odette, who was well known for her godly ice powers. These skates can freeze enemies upon contact and increase Bayonetta’s mobility by allowing her to skate around a battlefield at high speeds instead of running .Frozen opponents can be thrown through the use of Bayonetta’s wicked weaves. Bayonetta uses this weapon with her legs.

Wicked Weaves: Bayonetta’s wicked kicks become white and gain an ice attribute.

Bullet Climax: Charging results in a quick flurry of kicks or several sweeping kicks

Fire & Ice immunity: Bayonetta can skate over hot surfaces like molten ground without getting hurt or over cold surfaces without becoming frozen.

Lt. Col. Kilgore
A set of magical rocket launchers that house the deceased soul of the Vietnam veteran Lieutenant Colonel Kilgore. These are one of Bayonetta's more powerful ranged weapons, but are severely limited in firing speed. Bayonetta can use them like a pair of tonfas for melee attacks. Bayonetta has two sets of the weapon, one for her arms and the other for her legs.

Bullet Climax (Hands): Bayonetta spins around with the Kilgore outstretched as a melee attack. She may also shoots off two rockets while spinning.

Bullet climax (Feet): Bayonetta does a handstand and spins around with Kilgore outreached on her feet. She may also shoot off two rockets off during the attack.

Charge Modifier: When charged the weapon fires multiple rockets at once.

Unique Technique (Stiletto): Bayonetta can use the force of the rocket launches from the Kilgore to propel herself towards her opponents.

Sai Fung
The Sai Fung is a weapon that combines the properties of traditional revolver guns and nun chucks. In other words, it’s a nunchuck gun. The result is a weapons that excels in close quarters combat, but can also fire bullets like a traditional hand guns for ranged attacks. Additionally Sai fung is possessed by the soul of a demon bird from Inferno and has fire rates so fast that even gods are said to have trouble keeping up. The bullets it fires can bounce off solid surfaces up to 6 times. They are used with Bayonetta’s arms.

Wicked Weaves: When equipped Bayonetta’s wicked punches become palm strikes.

Bullet Climax: Bayonetta will throw the sai fung at her opponent and it will spin around while firing off a few rounds.

Charge Modifier: When charged Sai Fung fires a volley of bullets. The amount of bullets increases based on time charged.

 4 guns created by an unknown super civilization and powered by a unique power source called Bazzillionium (at least it isn’t a stupidly named fictitious metal). Each weapon can fire a white hot beam of whitish-blue energy that freezes enemies in place and breaks them apart on a molecular level. Rodin modified them to have demonic powers. The shots bounce off solid surfaces at least once. Bayonetta can equip one pair to her hands and the other to her feet.

Bullet Climax: Same as the Scarborough Fair, Love is Blue and handguns. Bayonetta stands still and takes aim at nearby opponents.

Charge Modifier (Hands): Bayonetta can shoot off a beam of energy with increased power compared to a normal shot. The strength of shot can go to 3 progressively stronger degrees of power.

Charge Modifier (Feet): Fires 5 disk like shots of energy.

Pillow Talk
A demonic weapon that summons the power of the demon, Mahavalrocana from a portal located at the sword’s hilt. By focusing this power through the portal, Pillow Talk is able to form a sword of pure energy, which can cut through most objects and create sword beams. It’s used in a similar way to Shurba and can only be used with Bayonetta’s hands. In addition it has the same Moonlight Massacre move possessed by Shuraba.

Bullet Climax: Bayonetta spins with the Pillow Talk weapon outstretched in her hands, making a miniature tornado that can damage nearby enemies.

Charge Modifier: Bayonetta sheaths Pillow Talk and performs a Iaijutsu slash similar to the Shuraba weapon . The move can be charged to three degrees of strength and at full strength the blade extends to 3x normal length when swung. The sword will keep this extended length for a short amount of time after the attack has been dealt.

This weapon was once wielded by the fallen angel, Rodin. It can transform into several different angelic weapons. These weapons include a double bladed axe, a bow, claws and a trumpet capable of firing orbs of energy. It’s somewhat slow, but deals more damage than almost all of Bayonetta’s other weapons. This weapon is equipped to both Bayonetta’s arms and legs simultaneously.

Bullet Climax (Hands): The weapon transforms into a double bladed axe that can be swung in a circular motion or straight down to damage enemies.

Bullet climax (Feet): Rodin transforms into a set of claws that are used to slash apart enemies.

Charge Modifier (Feet): Changes Rodin to a trumpet which then fires a single magic orb of

Charge Modifier (Feet): Changes into an arrow.

-This weapon was updated in Bayonetta 2 to include some angelic weaponry.

A pair of curved Indian swords that absorbed the power of a demon god named Rakshasa and were cleansed with Soma. They hit fast, hard and have a fairly decent amount of range to their attacks. Bayonetta has two pairs which she can equip to both her hands and her feet.

Wicked Weaves: The wicked weaves for the appendages Rakshasa is equipped to become giant sword slashes and stabs.

 A pair of whip like weapons containing the soul of a demon who shares the same name as a flower that blooms in Inferno. They function similarly to the Kulshedra weapon from the first game, and are great for crowd control and grappling enemies. Bayonetta has two pairs of these weapons, and can equip them to her hands and feet simultaneously.

Wicked Weaves: Wicked weaves become giant thorn whip slashes for the appendage the weapon is equipped to.

A bow and arrow made with a man who once cursed another and who in turn metamorphosed into a hideous insect. Still living inside a part of the bow's frame, he fires cursed arrows of savage, venomous bugs. Bayonetta can only equip this weapon to her hands for obvious reasons.

Bullet Climax: Bayonetta can fire arrows from the bow in rapid succession and charge the power of a single bow to increase damage, slow the target and increase the amount of damage poison causes.

Wicked Weaves: Wicked weaves for the hands become giant dragonflies that fire as poisonous arrows.

 A scythe weapon containing souls captured by the god of death, Chernobog, who had been expelled to the farthest depths of Inferno. The weapon is mostly used as a powerful, yet slow melee weapon. The spikes that form the scythe’s blade can also be shot out towards opponents.

Wicked Weaves: Wicked weaves for hands become scythe slashes.

A Flame (or ice?) thrower containing the soul of a being known as Undine, who threw herself into the Coctycus river after a failed relationship. Bayonetta can switch between the two elements to either burn or freeze her enemies. She has two sets of this weapon that can be equipped to both her feet and hands.

Wicked Weaves: Becomes either a fiery or icy hydra head that sweeps, stabs, and mauls

A giant hammer forged from breaking down the thunder god, Takemikazuchi's, divine sword, the Futsuno-mitama. It has a slow swing speed but can break through the defense of almost all the opponents Bayonetta comes across in Bayonetta 2. It can be charged for extra damage, shock foes with electricity, and stun those standing on the ground after its swings. Bayonetta can only equip this weapon to her arms.

Wicked Weaves: Wicked weaves for arms become the giant fists of the infernal demon Hekatoncheir.

A pair of chainsaws that use the scales of the infernal dragon, Salamandra as its teeth, and its heart as its engine. They have short range, but do more damage to opponents they longer they are kept in contact with them. Bayonetta has two pairs of this weapon and can equip them to both her hands and feet. Bayonetta can use these weapons as a pair of high momentum skates…. Somehow when they are worn on the feet.

Wicked Weaves: Longer chainsaw slashes and jabs are made.

Chain Chomp
A Chain Chomp that was weaponized and received by Bayonetta from Rodin. The Chain Chomp can act independently of Bayonetta to an extent, and can attack nearby enemies, in a fashion similar to normal chain chomp enemies in Mario, without her ordering it to. Yes, this is real.

Skills & Special Abilities


Devil Trigger Gauge & Demonic energy
Dante can store and utilize Demonic Energy for a variety of attacks and abilities. The amount of Demonic Energy he has in game is typically represented with a bar or series of gauges and fills as he damages his opponents. That being said outside of gameplay his use of Demonic Energy could be far less restricted.

Devil Trigger
A special transformative ability that allows Dante to access the true depth of his demonic abilities. It only lasts until Dante’s gauge runs dry (although he obviously isn’t limited by a meter outside gameplay) and activating it also heals Dante faster. The properties of Dante’s Devil Trigger transformation can be affected by the weapons he currently has equipped upon its activation. Although Dante also has a few “base” Devil Trigger forms he can access at any time in various games.

For example in Devil May Cry 4 Dante can use this ability to take on a humanoid reptilian form, which is resistant to knockback, faster, and capable of infusing various attacks with demonic energy.

In Devil May Cry 2 Dante can also take on a similar form, and modify some of the transformation’s offensive, defensive and supportive attributes with a piece of equipment called the Amulet. Additionally If Dante activates the Devil Trigger ability when close to death in DMC2 (although he is capable of entering this state without being in near death in the manga) he enters an amped up Devil Trigger form called Majin. This form is invulnerable to most damage, wields a pair of two red blades in his forearms and creates giant blasts of dark/light energy that incinerate most enemies in the game and turns boss fights into a breeze with how powerful these blasts are. It is also capable of flight and in the manga was able to drive the character Alice out of a forced demonic state.

Some of the weapon altered forms are listed below.

Alastor: When Dante activates Devil Trigger while using this weapon he becomes a demonic winged-tailed demon. In this form Dante gains the ability of flight and can produce bolts of lighting.

Ifrit: Using Devil Trigger with Ifrit makes Dante a horned spiked demon. It can shoot balls of fire, create walls of fire, and kick opponents with tremendous force.

Sword of Sparda: Using his father’s weapon and Devil Trigger gives Dante a form resembling that of Sparda. It gives flight, increased sword swing range and the ability to produce fire projectiles. This is the form he used to take on the final boss of the original game. With it, he also has a transformation beyond it called Sparda Trigger, which transforms him into a flaming dragon demon.

Rebellion: When Dante activates Devil Trigger while using this weapon he becomes a red and black demonic humanoid. He also gains gliding abilities.

Cerberus: Becomes a red and blue demonic humanoid. Gains increased movement and attack speed.

Agni and Rudra: Becomes red and orange demonic humanoid. Weapons gain an increased elemental affect and deal more damage to fire and wind-based enemies.

Nevan: Becomes red and purple demonic humanoid and emits electricity. Can fly and grants enhanced regeneration.

Beowulf: Becomes white and black demonic humanoid and can emit light-based attacks. Increased defensive ability.

Dante has used a total of 7 different fighting styles or ‘modes’ throughout Devil May Cry 3 & 4, that he can switch between at a moment’s notice during a fight. These styles can alter the attacks he can use with specific weaponry, his movement, abilities, and grant him new supportive abilities against opponents. Depending on the game, he can either change set styles in between missions or seamlessly snap between them on the fly mid-combat. It is worth noting Dante can freely use any of these abilities in cutscenes without being restricted to one style, and many of his moves and combos in Marvel VS. Capcom blend elements of multiple styles.

Royal Guard
A style themed around minimizing damage delivered by enemies with blocking. Dante can negate enemy attacks with Just Block then send the attack back at foes with Release. Though in order to negate all damage and hit an enemy back with the most damage Dante must - as far as gameplay mechanics go - block 1/10 of a second before the attack connects. Basically, timing is everything with this style. With the style’s Ultimate skill Dante can actually convert the attack blocked into HP, and when using Dreadnaught his body becomes metallic and virtually impervious to damage. How long he can stay in this form depends on how much damage he has blocked.
 A style themed around maximizing gun damage that grants access to more powerful and diverse long range attacks for Dante. The new attacks gained is specific to the weapon being used when the style is active. All of those techniques were covered in the weapons section.

 A melee-focused style that offers new moves to perform with all weapons to extend combos, and increases the stylishness of Dante’s fighting. All new moves and combos that are available to him with this style have been covered in the Devil Arms section. Like Gunslinger, the new attacks gained are specific to the weapon being used when the style is active.

A style focused on dodging maneuvers and mobility. With it Dante can perform a quick dash up to 3 times, run up walls, use a pseudo-teleport called Air Trick, use the Sky Star move to propel himself through the air, use enemies as platforms, and immediately return to a safe position upon being knocked down with Flipper.

A style that Dante obtained specifically after absorbing the soul of Doppelganger The Deathvoid. This style allows Dante to create a second copy of himself with all the same physical abilities and equipment he had upon its creation to fight off enemies. Using this ability takes up the Devil Trigger gauge however.

-You can see the first time Dante got it here (2:30)

A style that Dante obtained after absorbing the soul of Geryon the Timesteed. When using this style Dante can send out a dimensional time rift that can slow down the passage of time for all nearby opponents, thereby giving Dante a massive speed advantage. In addition, he was able to ZA WARUDO-er freeze time with it in a cutscene. This is similar to Witch Time in a way. That being said Dante doesn’t seem to hold the time slowing effects of this ability for long periods of time in either gameplay or cutscenes.

-You can see the first time Dante got it here

Dark slayer
A style Dante gained specifically after obtaining his brother’s sword Yamato. Originally a Style specific to Vergil, it has been modified a bit to suit Dante’s style. It allows him to replicate some of the attacks of his brother, which are typically swift sword strikes that can hit in multiple places at once by creating dimensional rifts with cuts. Dante very rarely actually carries and wields the Yamato blade in the Devil May Cry series (actually giving it to Devil May Cry 4 co-protagonist Nero), he most likely wouldn’t use this style at all during a given fight. However, as seen in the preview, it appears Dante is indeed getting Yamato.


Magic Manipulation
All Umbra Witches, including Bayonetta, are able to manipulate and control something known as Spirit Energy (more or less magic). In the confines of game mechanics this energy goes up when Bayonetta lands a hit on opponents (it’s represented by a meter) and can be depleted temporally when she uses specific attacks or abilities that rely on it.

The limitations of magic use within the game mechanics of the Bayonetta series could be just… Well a game mechanic. Some abilities that require the magic meter in gameplay tend to be able to be pulled off without restriction in cut scenes, so she should logically be unrestricted in canon.

Magical Hair
 Bayonetta’s hair is magical in nature and comprises the clothing that she wears into fights. Bayonetta can also use it as a conduit for summoning (explained further below), though when she does the hair she’s currently using as clothing disappears off her body temporally leaving her… Bare so to speak.

Magic Enhancement
 Bayonetta can use her magical power to enhance the abilities of machinery far beyond their normal limits. For example during a level in Bayonetta she supercharges a motorcycle. You can see it here.

Infernal Demon Pact
All Umbra Witches have some natural affinity or ability to utilize Spirit Energy from the get go, but the majority of their powers come from demonic beings known as, Infernal Demons. By making a pact with these demons, a witch is able to drastically improve their magical powers and freely utilize the power of their chosen pact demon at a moment’s notice. Typically this is done through summoning the demon itself or its limbs using their hair as a conduit to attack opponents.

This pact comes at a price however. If a witch dies or if they do not sacrifice the counterpart beings to demons (angels) on a regular basis, then their soul will be sucked into Inferno, the residing place for infernal demons for all eternity. The demon that Bayonetta has made a pact with is called Madama Butterfly, an Infernal Demon well known for her power and brutality within the land of Inferno. You can see an example of her fully summoning it here. In addition to the Infernal Demon an Umbra Witch has formally created a pact with, they can also summon lesser Infernal Demons to fight for them briefly with a combination of various magic spells and hair.

Wicked Weaves
 Using her hair as a conduit Bayonetta can summon the limbs and appendages of various Infernal Demons (typically Madama Butterfly) to be used as powerful physical strikes on nearby opponents. Bayonetta changes and modifies the appendages she summons based on the type of weapon or fighting style she currently happens to be using. For example, she often uses punches or kicks form from madama butterfly’s body while wielding small handguns, but may switch to backhands or palm strikes for from Madama’s body when using others. She also uses the Wicked Weaves in some of her attacks in Smash 4.

Climax Attacks
 Climax Attacks are the finishers that Bayonetta uses to end most of her more powerful opponents. They involve fully summoning an Infernal Demon from the depths of Inferno using her hair as a conduit and commanding them to use an incredibly powerful super attack that more or less kills the opposition in one hit (most of the time). Various Infernal Demons are summoned for Climax Attacks in the Bayonetta series. We’ve listed most of them below. Summoned Infernal demons can be countered and temporarily defeated if their opposition possesses the physical strength and power to do so.

-You can see all the Climax attacks from the first game here

-You can see most of the ones from the second game here

-You can find the Infernal Demons that don’t have a direct link over their name on that main Infernal Demon page.

A giant dragon that uses its large mouth and fangs to devour and rip apart nearby enemies.

-Bayonetta temporarily lost control of this Infernal demon during an attempted summoning at the beginning of Bayonetta 2. That being said another Umbra Witch named Jeanne managed to summon Gomorrah herself towards the game’s climax (no pun intended), which could imply Bayonetta could successfully summon Gomorrah again if she attempted it.

A giant raven that uses its giant beak to peck and rip apart nearby enemies.

A mysterious Infernal demon comprised of multiple disembodied giant fists. It attacks opponents by pummeling them into submission, and by bashing them around in the air in a fashion resembling a volleyball.


A giant centipede-like Infernal Demon that coils around opponents and constricts itself to crush them.

A giant spider that attacks opponents by biting them with its large fangs. It can also create a large spider like web to immobilize them and create smaller spider Infernal Demons to attack opponents as well.

A large Cerberus that attacks opponents by biting and mauling them.

A large toad that uses a spiked whip-like tongue to grapple opponents, smash them into the ground and bring them to its mouth to be swallowed whole.

Wait...haven’t we seen a guy like this before?

A Gorgan with snakes for hair. Can reflect projectiles with a sonic screech or use its hair to coil around and crush opponents.

A demonic unicorn that uses its sharp horn to cut opponents to shreds. It can also be ridden by Bayonetta herself.

-You can see Bayonetta riding it here (1:30).

A group of demonic dragon flies that swarm and devour opponents.

Queen Sheba
An Infernal Demon shaped like a large woman that can punch with enough power to send opponents into the sun or drop kick them with enough force to send the thousands of feet through the air.

Bayonetta most likely cannot summon Sheba on her own. In the first game she very clearly needed Jeanne’s help to summon it (Jeanne aided the summoning by contributing her hair). In the second game, however, she summons half of Sheba and combines it with a summoned angel from the past version of her father Balder. The wiki also mentions that a single witch trying to summon the full Sheba on her own can very easily die from the process.

Torture attacks
Through the use of Umbran magic Bayonetta is able to summon a variety of different torture devices that can be used as finishing attacks against opponents. Doing so depletes her magic meter in game.

In the first Bayonetta some torture devices such as an iron maiden, which Bayonetta could shove opponents into to impale/crush them. Other contraptions include: A guillotine for beheading, a pulley chain for strangulation, a giant tombstone for crushing, a giant spiked spinning wheel to roll over her opponents, a giant chainsaw to tear opponents in half, a hydraulic press-like device to crush opponents, and a large spiked horse which she could pull opponents onto to impale them with.

In Bayonetta 2 additional torture devices were added such as: A giant treadmill with giant rolling spike wheels, a cylindrical cooking cage over a fire to roast opponents alive, a large cage with a spiked ceiling, a bear trap that Bayonetta could pull opponents into with a chain, and a grappling device that grabs an opponents at both ends of their body and violently tears them in half.

The torture devices Bayonetta summons are typically only big enough to kill smaller enemies not much larger than Bayonetta herself. Because of this they cannot be used effectively on excessively big enemies like a Beloved and Kinship.

-You can see all the torture attacks from the original Bayonetta here (1:14)

-You can see most of the torture attacks from Bayonetta 2 here (also includes some for the 1st game again).

Infernal Demon Torture Attacks
Bayonetta occasionally summons Infernal demons to assist in the execution of torture attacks on opponents. These Infernal Demon versions of torture attacks don’t actually involve any torture devices for the most part, however, and generally just act as more subdued finishing attacks. Madamama Butterfly, for example, picks up opponents and smashes them against the ground with her fists. Diomedes uses its horn to flip opponents into the air and slice them in half. Mictlantecuthli flies towards opponents at high speeds and drills into them to tear them apart. Carnage summons an army on insects to eat opponents alive. Baal uses its tongue to grab and slam opponents into the ground before devouring them. Finally Hydra strangles and crushes opponents.

Umbran Climax
A special super mode that Bayonetta can enter temporarily to increases the power of all her attacks and cause a Wicked Weave attack to be summoned during all of her attack motions. Being in this state also causes Bayonetta’s health to recover slowly.

In Bayonetta 1 “Umbran Climax” wasn’t a player driven mechanic and instead was something that was only activated during major boss battles and maintained throughout the entirety of the fight. Additionally this super mode was referred to as “Serious Mode” in that game, and had slightly different properties, such as the lack of Wicked Weaves and full demon summoning.
In Bayonetta 2 however this is a mode can be activated by the player at will, although it can only be used when the magic meter is full and has a stricter time limit.

In short, Umbran Climax and Serious Mode are more or less the same thing, but with slight differences that may be the result of retooling the game mechanics between the different irritations of the franchise. They’re close enough to each other you can probably just composite them for the sake of avoiding confusion (I.E Umbrian climax with all the qualities of Serious Mode stacked on top of it, particularly the lack of a hard time limit and magic meter restrictions).

Infernal Weaves
When in Umbran Climax Bayonetta gains access to a powerful new ability known as Infernal Weaves. These moves allow for the full summoning of some Infernal demons at the end of attack combos in order to increase her damage output towards the opponents. Some of the demons summoned during Infernal weaves are the same as those summoned during Climax and Torture attacks, though some Infernal Demons are only summoned exclusively with the Infernal Weave ability. The Infernal Demons Bayonetta summons during her attacks are tied to the kinds of weapons she currently has equipped. They tend to use attacks similar to those they use in Climax Attacks, albeit with less power.

Baal: Attacks when Bayonetta uses Alruna (Feet) and Love is Blue (Feet)

Dimoedes: Attacks when Bayonetta uses the Racksasha (Feet).

Labolos: Attacks when Bayonetta uses Love is Blue (Hands and Feet).

Hyrdra: Attacks when Bayonetta uses Undine (Hands and Feet), Love is Blue (Feet), and Alruna (Hands)

Carnage: Attacks when Bayonetta uses Kafka.

Madama Butterfly: Attacks when Bayonetta uses Love is Blue (Hands and Feet).

Mictlantecuhtli: This demon is unique to Infernal Weave attacks. It’s a large bat-like Infernal Demon that slams down and attacks opponents with its wings when Bayonetta uses Love Is Blue, Rakshasa, Chernobog and Shuraba.

Witch Time
A special ability unique to Umbra Witches that allows them to slow down the passage of time for everyone except themselves, in order to give themselves a HUGE advantage in speed and reaction time . It’s also useful for getting around an opponent’s defenses.

In gameplay, Witch Time can only be activated upon dodging an attack or by using specific accessories & equipment to induce it. However, canonically cutscenes show that Bayonetta can activate the ability whenever she wants. While in Witch Time Bayonetta also gets some minor cryokinetic powers. Being able to blow on things with her breath to freeze them. An example in game is here. Witch Time is one of her special moves in Smash 4, in addition to a longer variation of it as her Final Smash.

Witch Walk
A magical ability that allows Bayonetta to defy gravity and walk on walls, as long as they are in the moonlight of a full moon. We’re not entirely sure if this ability is just during the full moon, or if any kind of moonlight is suitable. Either way, it probably won’t play a big factor in the fight.

Beast Within
A magical ability that allows Bayonetta to take on the physical form of various animals for increased land or aerial mobility. Her most common form is that of a panther, which increases her running speed and allows her to make longer jumps. She can also become a crow which allows her to fly for short periods of time unencumbered. With her bat-form she can manifest an instant before getting hit by an attack allowing Bayonetta to get out of the way of an attack. Finally as a snake she can swim through underwater environments with ease.

Wings of Malphas and Wings of Madama Butterfly
Bayonetta can summon the wings of the Infernal Demon, Malphas over her back to allow herself to fly freely through the air. She can also summon the wings of Madama over her back to give herself a short extra boost in jump height and gliding abilities.

-You can see an example of her using the wings of malphas here. She also uses them in a few more boss fights in Bayonetta 2. This is also one of her main abilities in Smash 4.

Purgatorio Teleportation
One of the special abilities of an Umbra Witch is the ability to teleport to an alternate dimension layered on top of the normal human one known as Purgatorio. Beings in this parallel dimension cannot be seen by those in the normal dimension without magically altered eyewear specifically tailored to revealing purgatorio. Curiously enough, beings in Purgaotrio can still show up in mirror reflections.

Additionally, the inhabitants of the normal human dimension and Purgatorio cannot interact with each other, although beings in Purgatorio can interact & destroy inanimate objects in the normal human dimension.



An amulet that Dante can equip magic stones called Devil Hearts to that amplify some of his abilities when in Devil Trigger form. There are a little less than a dozen Devil Hearts in Devil May Cry 2, but Dante can only equip 3 at a time, with each of the 3 being from a specific “category” of Devil Heart.

Quick Heart: Increases running speed. The other Movement Hearts for this category increase swim speed and allow for flight, which are either unneeded or already covered by transformations in Dante’s arsenal.

Frost Heart: Gives Dante’s attacks an ice attribute. Other Attribute Hearts are Hearts that give fire or electricity elemental attributes to Dante, which are already more common than ice in the rest of his arsenal anyway.

Offense Heart: Increases physical strength. Other Support Hearts slow time or increase health regeneration, which are both already covered by other abilities Dante already has, making them pretty pointless.

Bangle of Time
A magical bracelet that can completely stop time for nearby enemies at the expense of demonic energy. It doesn’t tend to work on more powerful opponents and bosses.

After completing a Devil May Cry game at the notorious Dante Must Die difficulty a player can unlock alternate costumes that give Dante a new aesthetic look or turn him into a model of another character altogether, usually his father, Sparda. The most consistent of these costumes is “Super Dante” a super mode of sorts where Dante has unlimited Devil Trigger gauge, allowing him to spam DT-dependent abilities and his Devil Trigger forms without pause. In Devil May Cry Dante can still heal while in this form, but not in the other games. This is likely just a gameplay balance to prevent the player from becoming nigh-invincible.

Super Dante is arguably non-canonical as it can only be unlocked after completing each of the Devil May Cry games on certain difficulties and does not show up at any point in actual cut scenes or storylines, although it is likely a more accurate representation of Dante’s abilities, since they aren’t shown to be nearly as limited in canon as they are in gameplay.


Nintendo costumes
Bayonetta is apparently a closet Nintendo fan and enjoys cosplaying as various Nintendo heroes in her spare time. The costumes are mostly for fun, but have some functional uses outside of just looking cool.

Hero of Hyrule Costume: Makes her wear the same green tunic as Link from the Zelda series. When wielding it the Shurba Sword transforms into the Master Sword (who the hell let her have THAT?) and Bayonetta can parry blows with Link’s famed Hylian Shield.

The Mushroom and Sarasaland Costumes: Makes Bayonetta look similar to Peach and Daisy from the Mario series. When using this costume normal Wicked Weaves become the limbs of the King of Koopas, Bowser.

The Bounty Hunter Costume: Gives Bayonetta the Power Armor of Samus Aran. With it she can use the Screwattack, Morph Ball, Morph Ball Bombs and Arm Cannon Samus is known for in the Metroid series.

The Furry-er Star Mercenary Costume: Makes Bayonetta take on the appearance of Fox McCloud. With this costume Bayonetta’s Love is Blue guns become Star Fox blaster weapons.

Bayonetta has a variety of accessories she can obtain, that grant her a variety of different offensive, supportive and defensive powers. You can see a full list of accessories here.

Climax Brace and Climax Brace 2
Bayonetta has over a dozen accessories, but very little of them are actually relevant to the fight. Instead the Climax Brace 1 and 2 are probably the most useful accessories Bayonetta could bring into a fight. The Climax Brace gives Bayonetta an infinite amount of magic, allowing her to use torture attacks, Umbran Climaxes, and other magically dependent abilities for an unlimited amount of time (in case there is any doubt about her limits regarding that). The Climax Brace 2 drastically increases Bayonetta’s strength while in Umbran climax at the cost of taking more damage.


Strength & Destructive Power


The almighty One-inch Punch with Gilgamesh was enough to destroy a huge stone wall in Devil May Cry 4 here.

Destroyed a 3 story boss (Mundus) with his Sparda Devil Trigger form in Devil May Cry. here (30:30)

Perhaps his most badass and lolzworthy feat was when he physically overpowered Nero (who can suplex massive demons like Berial) with a casual flick of his wrist, which sent Nero flying and through a wall.

With the help of Vergil, defeated Arkham who absorbed the power of Sparda, who is Dante’s father and a considerably powerful demon whom every demon in Devil May Cry lore either fears or respects.

He encountered Vergil a fourth time in Devil May Cry (as Nelo Angelo), and defeated Mundus, who destroyed a large castle and the entire island housing it.

Blocks the punch from the several story high boss, Savior, most likely weighing tens of thousands of tons here (1:47:10). This is also a decent durability feat.

His better destructive feats arguably come from DMC 2, where he has reached a level of power that is rumored to have surpassed that of his father (although there’s no telling how valid this statement is). In that game, he has effortlessly defeated powerful entities, such as building-sized demons powerful enough to destroy skyscrapers and multiple city blocks. At the end of the game he defeats Argosax the Chaos, who is a combination of all of the bosses Dante fights in Devil May Cry 2.


Bayonetta throws a giant chunk of building with her bare hands and with little difficulty at an angel’s projectile attacks. Here. (44:20).

Throws a small angel with enough force to knock a gas truck (and a bigger floating angel) several dozen feet back into the air. here (1:13:02).

Suplexes a giant 3-headed dragon here (4:40) and again at (5:04). These bosses should easily way thousands upon thousands of tons.

Throwing large trucks and trains as a projectile attack here (6:16)

Punches giant boulder apart here (0:00)

Head buts a giant chunk of skyscraper back at Balder here (5:30)

Kicks a hypersonic fighter jet into the air with a single strike here (12:00)

Deflects a truck sized sword from an angel here (16:41)

Madama Butterfly headbutts a meteor thrown at Bayonetta from space here (1:57:28).

Catches and throws a gigantic satellite that was tossed at her by Aesir here.

Durability & Endurance


Dante’s been impaled by various blades multiple times in the DMC series and has shaken it off. One such example is this cutscene in DMC (5:00) and the other in DMC3 here (8.00)

Survives being shot point blank with a gun here, and is only mildly annoyed by it. (28:06)

Shown to have some degree of heat resistance from being in contact with Berial, a fire-centric boss here.

In DMC4, he easily defeated and tanked attacks from powerful entities such as Berial, who can destroy entire towns with an explosion attack, and Dagon, who coated a large castle in ice.

-In the beginning of Devil May Cry 3, he casually defeated a room full of demons with little more than his own fists and their own scythes, which were impaled into various points in his body (meaning he also has an incredibly high pain tolerance).


She and her Infernal Demons took quite the beating from Balder when fighting him in the 1st Bayonetta Here (2:12:15)

She (with Jeanne) manages to survive atmospheric reentry and a fall from orbit here (24:31)
Constantly takes attacks from beings 100s of times her size and shakes it off. Not to mention an assortment of explosions, lasers, fire, and ice based attacks.

Speed & Agility


Enough dexterity and aiming skills to shoot a dozen billiard balls into each other with enough force to hurt his opponents here (5:12).

Jumps off a tower and fights off hundreds of flying enemies during the descent here.

A Devil May Cry 4, in-game guide for Trickster states that Dante can move “so fast he appears as though he is teleporting”. And since he clearly is shown to do this and has feats surpassing this, it’s not far off to say he can based on this.

Dante and Vergil have a game of catch with some bullets here (3:40).

He can also shoot bullets out of the air in his fight with Nero.

He can also use his demonic energy to allow inanimate objects to exceed their normal limitations, such as when he used this ability to make a motorcycle go much faster than it should normally go in the Devil May Cry anime, to the point where it achieved supersonic speed. Hmm...using energy to enhance a motorcycle? Sounds familiar…

He has an uncanny level of adaptability and awareness, such as when he used a motorcycle as a weapon and shot down a bridge by pinpointing all of the weak points in the suspensions while going hundreds of miles an hour on...another motorcycle. These two sure seem to like motorcycles. I wonder if they can play card games on them…

He has shown to have plenty of crazy, impossible, physics-breaking bullshit feats, such as running up walls, or the time he stacked several bullets perfectly atop one another, or backflipped onto a missile and rode it like a surfboard.


Plays a game of catch with a giant missile with Umbra Witch, Jeanne here (3:38). Also has a game of catch with a space satellite with Balder at (6:49)

She takes on dozens of angel assailments at the beginning of Bayonetta with ease and without being outmaneuvered here (9:21).

Another similar fight while protecting somebody Here (1:04:08)

Bayonetta rides in a car with during the beginning of Bayonetta 2 and gets attacked. The car gets flung into the air and Bayonetta activates Witch Time to take out her opponents. This fight lasts several minutes at minimum and when the fight is over the car is still in the air, which is impressive because it obviously would have fallen within the span of a few seconds in normal time. You can see it here. (19:00)

Effects of Witch Time make stones suspended in midair Here (45:10)

Easily avoids point blank gun fire from Jeanne without Witch Time Here. (57:11)

Can jump hundreds of feet into the air here (1:27:14).

Jeanne (the other Umbra Witch) actually uses her magic enhancement ability mentioned earlier to amp up a motorcycle which she then rides INTO SPACE. She does this while fighting off multiple assaults and avoiding debris, so it can be considered a pretty good reaction feat. Since Bayonetta is an umbra witch of similar powers and has beaten Jeanne in fights, she should scale to Jeanne in this regard. You can see it here

Jumps hundreds of feet into the air onto a jet here (12:00)

Fighting an angel while surfing on a city block sized water tornado here (48:49)

Caught a satellite point blank after it was pulled from orbit by Balder here. Since it took about 5 seconds and at minimum the satellite would be about 200 miles away, it was moving at at least Mach 187. Some satellites can be 23,000 miles away, though, making it up to Mach 21,583, which is sub-relativistic, or 1-9% the speed of light.

Can dodge attacks from Loptr here, whose arms can reach into space and grab meteors in seconds, without the aid of Witch Time. Probably a similar speed to the feat above.



Dante has had experience with fighting demons since he was a mere child, and has stalemated his brother Vergil on multiple occasions, who is well-experienced in martial arts and Samurai-inspired swordsmanship skills such as Iiajutsu, a real-life discipline that utilizes sword attacks while the weapon is sheathed and rapid, precise draw-cuts. To compensate for this, Dante developed his own self-taught style to counter Vergil’s high level of combat skill. He is also seen using techniques inspired by Bruce Lee during the scene where he obtains Gilgamesh, and is capable of replicating Vergil’s moves in Dark Slayer mode. His Royal Guard Style also shows his knowledge of proper fighting stances and has the capability of blocking and countering enemy attacks. Dante has been in the demon-hunting business for 30+ years and has survived the events of all four Devil May Cry titles, the manga, and the anime series, no worse for wear.


Umbra Witches are trained in various academics including alchemy, chemistry, martial arts, medicine, anatomical health, various sciences and technology. They also generally have a natural affinity for magic from birth. Bayonetta can be assumed to have all this, and much more. She has regularly defeated angels and other magical beings ,often several stories in size and with various powers including superhuman strength, durability, speed, projectiles, etc. Among the deadlier foes she has defeated are the Lumen sage Balder, who had powers similar to her own and in some ways surpassed them, Jubileus the creator, pretty much the god of angels, and Aesir, the creator of the human realm.



Dante’s regenerative factor is helpful, but certainly not the best out there. There’s nothing that suggests he could survive, say, decapitation, or being reduced to a mangled pile of organs. His cockiness is also as big of a weakness as it is a strength. On one hand it makes him the ideal opponent against enemies prone to anger, as he is regularly shown leading said enemies by the nose. On the other any character with even a decently level head shouldn’t mind his silliness, and in fact might be able to use it to their advantage. Though he has been known to be serious against enemies he know to be a legitimate threat though, such as Mundus.


As mentioned before, Bayonetta needs to provide the demons she summons with a steady supply of sacrifices and avoid dying if she doesn’t want her soul brought down to Inferno. While not particularly important to this fight, this and the fact that Bayonetta’s rival, Jeanne, had her soul taken away from her body shows she has some vulnerability to soul manipulation. In addition, some of her more powerful summons have only been successfully performed with the help of others. Like Dante, Bayonetta is exceptionally confident and arrogant in most fights, though will whip out her ‘Serious Mode’ (literally and figuratively) when necessary. Lastly, while Bayonetta does have super human endurance, she has never been impaled in the same manner as Dante, making her ability to heal from such attacks up in the air.




Healing Factor could help shrug off some of the lighter attacks from Bayonetta.

Yamato could arguably be used to hit Bayonetta in Purgatorio, and is a possible get-around for her durability.

Has more games and thus has been on more adventures and fought a greater variety of enemies than Bayonetta has.

Majin Devil Trigger could potentially remove Bayonetta’s connection to her demons.

Shin Megami Tensei Dante has dat multiversal pizza, yo!


Can’t compete physically in any way with Bayonetta.

Regeneration isn’t going to save him from Bayonetta’s stronger attacks or Infernal Demons.

DmC exists instead of Devil May Cry 5. icrievrytiem



Faster, stronger, and tougher by absolutely massive margins. Like there’s no comparison.
More versatile with Infernal Demons.
Witch Time slows time to a greater degree, works longer, and can be abused more.
Is significantly older, and her training with the Umbran Witches is probably superior to Dante’s self-taught style.

Feats of fighting, holding her own against, and ultimately defeating bosses like Jubileus and Aesir put her far ahead of DMC baddies like Mundus or Savior.


Yamato and Majin Devil Trigger are possible loopholes for Dante to exploit.

Lacks multiversal pizza.


Hero’s Shade
****WARNING: This is a public service announcement. The Death Battle Research team member, Hero’s Shade has gone AWOL and is currently missing in action. Hero’s Shade was last seen on a murderous rampage shouting “THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT YOU FILTHY CASUALS” at the top of his lungs, and strapping down hostages, forcing them to watch a slideshow of various fictional characters, such as Castlevania’s Alucard, Hellsing’s Alucard, Marvel’s Blade, and Onimusha protagonist, Hidemitsu Samanosuke, claiming they were “better matchups”. He has also left behind messages in blood, some of them reading, “Dante doesn’t deserve this” and, “It should have been Morrigan”. Locals report that he also left behind a trail of salt and tears. If you see Hero’s Shade near your area, please report the authorities at your earliest convenience. ****

Yeah, I don’t really see Dante taking this fight in any way shape or form. It’s not due to a lack of skill, it’s not due to being outclassed in weaponry, it’s due to being slower and weaker, both in strength and durability, by absolutely HUMONGOUS margins. Even at his absolute best while in his Devil Trigger form, he just doesn’t come remotely close to matching Bayonetta’s raw strength, speed, and durability.

Sure, he has a regenerative healing factor and Bayo doesn’t, but it isn’t going to save him. It allows him to repair damage from small cuts and wounds and the only notable thing about it beyond that is that it’s faster acting than most. Great. All it would logically do would be to prolong the animated fight and delay the inevitable: Him getting ripped into tiny little pieces by one of Bayonetta’s summons, something he’s never been shown to regenerate from. But what about Yamato? That’s a possible get around for Bayonetta’s durability. Sure, if he isn’t killed first, or if she doesn’t, ya know, dodge/tank it (something Dante has done multiple times). Having one viable way to kill Bayonetta isn’t the same as Bayonetta having a hundred viable ways of killing Dante, most of which boil down to just grabbing him and ripping him into pieces. It’s that simple.

What about Quicksilver as a possible means of closing the speed gap? Bayo has Witch Time, which is better in just about every single way. Teleportation is helpful and could keep Bayo on her toes, but it’s ultimately irrelevant with the speed gap, since Bayo could just blitz his ass before or after he teleports. He DOES get a boost in stats with Devil Arms like Beowulf and his Devil Triggers, but they’re simply not enough. There’s really no evidence that even with boosts he can match what Bayonetta does even casually, and in the latter case, his Devil Trigger, it’s not permanent, and it’s not going to save him or remotely change things in the long run.

The only semi-decent argument for Dante I’ve seen was from the forums and has to do with Dante’s Majin Devil Trigger form being able to drain demonic energy and being invincible or something along those lines. Well, first off, he would need to be fast enough to catch Bayo and strong enough to restrain her. No dice. Second, “invincibility” is always a pretty big no limits fallacy (Mario has invincibility but can’t survive a dip in lava). There’s no evidence that even in that form he’d be able to take what Bayo’s capable of dishing out. That and the Yamato are possible workarounds, but again, compared to all of Bayonetta’s options that she has to use against Dante, which are more likely to happen? Dante gets a lucky slice in with the Yamato or manages to pin her down in his Majin Devil Trigger form, or Bayonetta rips his head off? Or does pretty much anything with effort? It still all comes down to the stat difference.

The biggest problem for Dante is that none of his weaponry can bridge the gap in stats, so in essence all his weaponry is useless, since none of it is fast enough to tag Bayonetta nor strong enough to protect him or do any lasting damage. Will he get a couple of hits in in the fight? Of course. I’m predicting one thing they’ll do is have him cut Bayonetta with Yamato while she’s camping out in Purgatorio. But that’s about it in terms of his effectiveness. Bayonetta’s done everything Dante has on a significantly larger scale. Compare Mundus or Abigail to Jubileus or Aesir. There’s no comparison, Bayo just exists and acts on a higher level, period. Dante isn’t going to be doing much in this fight except for dying. I’m going with Bayonetta.

Fun story, before Death Battle I was on a site called Factpile. It is a debating website where people try to figure out who would win against who. One of the matches were Dante Vs Bayonetta. The majority of the people put their money on Bayonetta but one person was trying to dismiss her feats while making Dante’s feats seem more impressive than what they really are. So I happen to find that same cutscene, but with a fixed camera. The person still continued to use flawed logic to prove Dante can beat Bayonetta despite everyone else agreeing the opposite and it left a bad taste in my mouth to look back on this match.

But with that said, I’ve seen the research they have done and pretty much still have that same mindset as I did back then: Bayonetta for the win. While Dante has Regenerative abilities, they’re not on the level of Deadpool or Wolverine’s. And let’s not forget the only reason Wolverine lasted as long against Raiden wasn’t the Regen but his skeleton structure. That is the case here, only without an unbreakable skeleton. And while Yamato is a possible game changer, Bayonetta has a ton of options that are superior to Dante’s one.

I think this song sums up my general thoughts on the match.
Anything Dante can do Bayonetta can do better. She’s obviously stronger than him, more durable sans regeneration, faster and her time manipulation abilities are proven to be more effective. She has just as many weapons, many which are more destructive in nature and can use more of them at the same time than Dante technically can. Her infernal demon summons are much more powerful than any of Dante’s Devil Triggers and honestly even a few of them on their own would probably be on par with some of Dante’s higher tier bosses.

Bayonetta’s also much older than him, her Umbra Witch background probably gives her a larger amount of books smarts than people give her credit for and the general scale of the opponents she’s fought are much larger.

I also point out that people are probably putting way too much faith in things like Dante’s regen factor, Yamato, and any number of super obscure weapons/abilities that barely have any context to them.

For one Dante’s only ever been impaled or shot with small bullets(which actually doesn’t say much for his durability in my eyes, but whatever, low ends). He has NEVER had an entire limb torn off or had his entire head vaporized in a single attack. Dante may have a healing factor but that doesn’t make him Wolverine. And without evidence to the contrary you can’t assume such injuries (which are well within Bayonetta’s capability) won't kill him.

Also while I still think Yamato cutting through something like I don’t know adamantium would be nice, I really doubt it’s “spatial hax” will amount to anything.  Dante has barely used that weapon, having it for basically an hour in DMC4 before immediately giving it to Nero to keep. Its attacks comprise of basic sword swings, what’s basically a sword beam, and a teleportation/space slash from a distance. Those first two attacks are just as easy to avoid as any other attack, and Dante’s version of that space slash move is so much slower than Vergil’s (along with each slash in the move having clear beginning and ending points you can see while the attack is in motion), that Bayonetta could easily dodge them just like any other attack.

The only real argument I could see is the belief Dante can absorb demonic energy based on what he did with Alice in the manga, or him using a very obscure gun only found in a DMC2 novel. Though honestly I think the context behind the situation in the first case is too vague to be made a deciding factor and that Bayonetta’s powers and the reasons behind them don’t correlate to Alice very well anyway. Likewise, we don’t have enough feats regarding the magic destroying bullets in the DMC2 novel, and they probably fall under the same problem as Yamato anyway (not being able to hit due to the speed difference).

I also  suppose Majin form being invincible to everything should also be addressed and honestly I think it’s a pretty obvious no limit fallacy. Finally I should mention that how long Dante can hold his abilities and forms that use the Devil Trigger gauge is much more up in the air compared to all of Bayonetta’s abilities.

Overall Bayo wins. Unfortunately this is kind of a stomp.

Yeeeaaah, Dante is screwed.

Even considering in the fact that Bayo needed to summon Sheva to deliver the finishing blow on Jubileus, Bayo was still able to damage and fight on-par with a primordial god who could get bodied by any planet in the solar system no worse for wear. That and the many more impressive foes Bayo has fought alone would probably give her the win. The fact that she stomps all over Dante’s other stats is icing on the cake.

No matter how favorably Quicksilver is interpreted to function outside of gameplay, Bayonetta’s Witch Time slows down time at a greater rate, works longer, and has even been used to counteract other time-slowing abilities. The unique quirks to several of Dante’s weapons, such as Yamato’s dimensional slashes are also being (admittedly sometimes intentionally so) overrated by many people.

Given the absolute greatest benefit of the doubt, and assuming anything Yamato, a sword that supposedly can cut ‘anything’ (big NLF right there), has been unable to cut (Rebellion, Nero’s arm) simply has resistance to dimensional hax, Bayo is so much faster and more destructive she could probably dodge anything from Yamato and obliterate Dante before it poses any threat. Yamato doesn't come close to being Dante's main weapon of choice anyway. He only uses it at the very end of Devil May Cry 4, and it's probably something he'd bring out later in a fight.

The only definitive advantage Dante has is his regen factor, which is so minor and insignificant it really won’t be a big deal. It certainly isn’t good enough that it will let Dante survive getting sliced into a dozen different pieces by one of Bayo’s bladed weapons, or munched on by one of her Infernal demons.

Alas, trenchcoat user #2 is going to die. This fight is a win for Bayonetta.

Guest verdicts

To start, I would like to say that I believe the weapons Dante and Bayonetta bring are irrelevant. Yamato is purely in effect here to keep Bayonetta from camping out in Purgatorio. Dante’s attacks with Yamato are far inferior to his brother’s and he does little with it. Even in gameplay nothing is shown that it would even hit Bayonetta in the first place. Bayonetta’s weapons the same way. I doubt Rodin is even going to be considered and her only hax weapon would be the Bazillions. All of Dante’s other weapons are ineffective as well. I do believe this fight comes down to natural powers.

Comparing natural abilities, Bayonetta far outclasses Dante in strength and speed. Dante only has the edge in durability due to his massive healing factor where he can heal nearly as soon as the damage is being done. However, the healing slows way down when he is exhausted, even though he has only been tired from battle a handful of times. It is still a thing though. Activating his normal Devil Trigger may put him closer, but from looking at everything in the games, nothing points to him still touching the superhuman strength and speed of Bayonetta. Loptr could reach into space and toss a meteor and Bayonetta can react to that. No I say, if he has it, nothing short of the Majin Form will grant Dante comparable physical powers.

Comparing powers, Quicksilver is far inferior to Witch Time. Even if Dante uses it, it is tied to a short time span unlike Witch Time where Bayonetta could not only hold it for minutes for a battle, but even layer another witch time within it. If you want to label that up as just a gameplay thing because of the circumstance of the story, then fine, but it doesn’t change Witch Time’s superiority.

Stating it straight out, Bayonetta’s common demon summons will be ineffective against Dante. While they are much stronger than a majority of what he kills, they still won’t be a match for his abilities. The only thing I see them capable of is being used to overwhelm him with attacks to make an opening for her to strike directly. Though I doubt they will pose that much of a problem.

The Wicked Weaves grant her better option though because of Madama Butterfly. Through devastating punches from a being who can casually head smash a meteor, she can keep Dante guessing from the constant change ups in her moves.

Dante however can also keep Bayonetta guessing due to his different styles of fighting. Quicksilver was touched upon but he also has the likes of Royal Guard. This style will probably be his saving grace as he, coupled with Majin Form, will negate a lot of damage. When Dante stores enough power from blocking attacks, he can activate the Dreadnught and be near impervious to almost any damage, but this lasts only as long compared to the amount of energy that IS stored up.

There is one downside to Dante’s seemingly much more varied arsenal. Everything runs on his demon energy and using a lot of his powers and style drain more while he is in Devil Trigger. The forms don’t last forever and without Devil Trigger, Dante stands no chance in hell.

You may wonder where all this is leading to. I believe this fight is only slightly tipped into Bayonetta’s favor but not enough to count it as a definite win. I think it comes down to who will tire out first. Bayonetta can easily pump out the assault and kill Dante, but how long can Dante survive. Remember, Bayonetta has much less durability and any hits are going to hurt her a lot more than Dante. She will need to deal a lot more Damage to win than Dante would need to do to her. Dante will survive a slong as he has to to heal himself. Over time this may slower due to him tiring out, but as before he has worn out few little times. Bayonetta was worn out against Loptr. However, looking at a fresh Bayonetta against the final boss, Aesir, we clearly see the times she lost to be purely story driven or due to her been fighting nonstop since she arrived and traveled to Inferno. However, we still have seen her be able to tire out quicker regardless. Dante holds the edge in stamina and can keep going. This is a fight of longevity. Nothing short of destroying his body to where it can’t function like obliterating his head and heart will probably stop him from coming back.

I have chosen to exclude something from Dante’s abilities in my argument. In the manga it appeared the Dante went into Majin form and removed the demonic powers from a girl possessed by demon powers she asked for. However, the event is too ambiguous to consider. How did the Majin form activate? Dante didn’t gain access to Devil Trigger until after his blood awakened the rebellion halfway through DMC3, which takes place after. So he clearly didn’t activate the form on his own. Maybe it was just how the rabbit demon saw Dante in that moment. What does the ability actually do? How does it work? Are there certain things it can only work on? Considering the feat is never replicated or hinted at ever again, I decide to avoid it altogether here. There just isn’t enough to go on.

However, this doesn’t change my answer. While Bayonetta far beats or matches Dante in most areas, I do not know if she will be able to finish him off. Dante can take a lot of punishment whereas Bayonetta can still be harmed like normal mortals. Of course using her pure speed and Witch Time, she may avoid all important hits, but it’s not something I can be a 100% sure of. I think Dante will outlast Bayonetta due to his superior resilience, defense, and healing factor. It is not always the stronger one who wins. I am going with the safe choice of Dante. However, this fight is still so close in my opinion that I feel it could go either way. Dante is very cocky and just lets things hit him while Bayonetta will avoid taking hits altogether only nearly everything. My money is still on Dante coming through, regardless of who I support more.


  1. Just going to point out that if you fail the sun punch at the end of Bayonetta, the final boss survives smashing into a planet unscathed. And Queen Sheba is capable of hurting it.

    So i would say that Queen Sheba is beyond anything Dante's faced. Including being beyond Dante himself. Even with Devil Trigger.

    But beyond that part of Kakeh's post, i'm agreeing that Dante should lose unless they use Shin Megami Tensei Dante for some stupid reason.

  2. Jesus's gonna be TifavYang again after it goes live on YouTube, isn't It?

    1. Pretty much. All but one was for Tifa, while everyone was for Bayo here

    2. Do you have any links to this research data?

  3. Well, Dante won. He IS half demon while Bayo is all human, after all

    1. Witches are humans with magic power.

    2. That only helps Bayonettas case. She accomplished way more impressive feats despite being human. Dante relied on being half demon

    3. She's human, but she exceeds human limitations more than Dante has thanks to her contract with Butterfly.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. These prediction pages and research noted are by *the secondary team*, not *the official team*, the official team works on more details, facts and infos to decide the winner based on it. Or else SA wouldn't let them post stuff like this that negates their own official battles.

    1. What does being the secondary team have to do with being "official" or not? These notes already negates their battle, despite being the "secondary team", yet they belong with Screw Attack. The primary team's notes on the other hand aren't even public.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This was meant to be a reply to another comment, not my own comment.

  7. Death battle forgot that Dante does have his Perfect Devil Trigger from the DMC4 Concept art.It has not made an appearance in the game and is featless to the information translated from the Art Book, the Perfect Devil Trigger's power far surpasses that of his father, the Dark Knight Sparda. This, in turn, causes Dante to be seemingly all-powerful and nearly impossible to defeat. However, this form is dangerous, due to the fact that Dante will eventually lose his humanity and become a feral being.

    The illustration depicts it having wings, which indicates that Dante possesses the power of flight. His tail resembles his trademark sword, Rebellion, which also becomes a part of his form. No other abilities have been described, but it is possible that the form serves a similar function as Dante's Majin Form, yet even greater in terms of power and with various other abilities in its arsenal.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. "This, in turn, causes Dante to be seemingly all-powerful and nearly impossible to defeat."

      In the DMC universe. Beings in the Bayonetta universe make Dante look weak in comparison, since Bayonetta has fought alone and survived against gods that could warp the reality of 3 universes in whatever way they want. Aesir is decribed as all powerful, yet Bayonetta could handle him well by herself when she was weakened in the very final fight. Also, this proves that Dante can be defeated and is not perfectly invulnerable, which is a disadvantage for him against beings of other franchises where universal feats are very common. You actually gave us a point against Dante.

    3. You can't use concepts as canon feats.

  8. How interesting ... but it's a shame they forgot to mention Dante's various exploits.

    Speed ​​& Agility

    DMC2 - Dante saves Lucia before Arius's spear of light hits her.


    DMC2 - Dante "disappears" even though it is in a limited area.


    Durability & Endurance

    DMC1/Mission 22 -Dante resists a meteor shower.


    How destructive can a meteor be?


    "400,000 tonnes of TNT and appeared 30 times brighter than the sun"

    Mundus created a universe easily, only to fight against Dante, make one or several meteors with this destructive power is an easy task for him.

    DMC3/Mission 8 - Dante resists the friction of the atmosphere.


    From what speed does an object begin to heat up by the friction of the atmosphere?



    Special Abilities

    Quicksilver reduces time to a level higher than Witch Time.


    "It allows Dante to move at lightning quick speeds"

    How fast is lightning?


    "Lightning travels at around 220,000 miles per hour when traveling downwards from a cloud, and then it goes to speed of 220,000,000 miles per hour when moving skyward on its return stroke."

    Actually your calculations on the satellite are correct.


    However, at such distance, Bayonetta could easily have seen the satellite long before it struck it, in the end, her only needed strenght to repel the attack, not speed. It was a frontal and completely predictable attack, I do not think coherent to say that Bayonetta has that speed.

    Anyway, I think we can not claim a winner to this battle, it should be considered at least a draw.

    1. Those are pretty petty feats. How do any of these compare to Bayonetta's best feats listed in the analysis above? Bayonetta even has performances similar to each of those, just far more extreme. Like how she and Jeanne crashed into earth entirely unscathed, also while burning up. Or how Bayonetta and Madama Butterfly dealt with a several times larger meteor. Or how Bayonetta disappeared when the bus supposedly crushed her and also suddenly appeared next to her opponent.

      As for the satellite feat, this is false. Bayonetta obviously did not prepare. She didn't move an inch until the satellite was right in front of her. She reacted at point blank, meaning at the exact moment of the impact. That requires her reaction speed to equal the travel speed of the satellite.

      We can claim a winner beyond easily here. We could never go as far to consider this a draw. We can't even conider this a win of lesser difficulty. It's a stomp.

    2. It's a stomp in power, but has no use of that power whitout speed, right?

      Without this absurd speed of this ridiculous feat of the satellite she and her invocations would be shredded by Yamato as they barely possess feats of speed.

      Even the player can see the satellite coming, why Bayonetta would not see? Reaction speed? Tell another, I have never seen this feat anywhere, only in this blog.

      Since you guys believe in dubious feats, why not use this Dante speed feat where him crosses the universe created by Mundus during the fight?

      At 3:25.271, we see the stars in the background where Mundus is located.
      At 3:36.716, we see no stars in the background.

      For Dante / Mundus to arrive at the atmosphere of a different planet, they must have flown to a different star system, at the very least. Considering that the average distance between one star from another would be a couple light years away, Dante and Mundus flying through that in a couple seconds is solidly Massively FTL + regardless, although we do not exactly know where
      Dante / Mundus was in comparison to the nearest star.

      Dante and Mundus seemed to have moved upwards, and not sideways, so they most likely went up to a star system that was not shown in the background in the first picture. As for how far this star system is, considering that Dante / Mundus were shown to fly upwards past the stars in the background to somewhere else, it is clear that we are past the stars in the background at that point.

      Nearest star to Earth is Centauri, which is 4.2 light years away
      Divide that by 5 (or 2, if it was Dante) and you get 0.84 LY (2.1 LY) away
      1 LY = 31536000 times SoL
      More like 26.4 million times C.

      About the thunderclouds.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. "She didn't move an inch until the satellite was right in front of her. She reacted at point blank"

      Look at that frame.

      Now go in the video and go back frame by frame, notice that the camera showed the satellite falling and went away until Bayonetta
      finally appear in the field of vision, the same vision that we have of the satellite falling she also had.

      You said "petty feats" but quoted many Bayonettta feats, even irrelevant feats, you should have done the same with Dante

      Yamato cuts through the structure of space, as stated in description, so Dante can ignore the durability of the enemy,
      no matter who he fights or his enemy's power, if the enemy is slower than Dante ... Will be shredded.

      And no, before you think I'm a fanboy having rage in your post think again, I just found your analysis incomplete and
      with 5 minutes of internet search i've finded a better and less doubtful speed feat for Bayo than that of the satellite.

      Anyway ... in the end Bayonetta "wins" in the same way, but it's all a matter of point of view, some calculations are accepted and others not,
      but honestly, this satellite feat is by far the biggest outlier I've ever seen, Now I know why Screw has not used anything from here.

    5. I don't think you understand. It doesn't matter whether she has seen the satellite beforehand. It matters that she has only started moving the the satellite was about to make its impact. She didn't stand there the entire time with her arms open awaiting the satellite. She acted at point blank. At the last possible instance. That requires her speed to equal that of the satellite. In the image we see that Bayonetta did still not get into position to catch the satellite. We clearly see that she only did once the satellite was about to hit her. This is all that matters.

      I'm sorry, "crosses a universe"?. He moved to a clouded area, still within Mundus' universe. Clouds cover stars. That does not mean the starts disappear. That means the stars are being covered. You can logically not see stars beyond a thick layer of clouds that can even contain the size of Mundus's height. Are you actually trying to sell clouds covering the stars off as a feat? By that logic, Bayonetta must have also traveled lightyears away, as, when Jubileus activated her shield, the stars also vanished out of our sight.

      Of course those feats I've mentioned are irrelevant because Bayonetta has many more that are far more impressive. I was merely showing you that Bayonetta has replicated nearly all of the feats you have mentioned under far more extreme circumstances. I'm just showing you that by comparion, all his feats are, to put it nicely, insufficient.

      I also do not understand what your calculation is for. I at no point mentioned Jubileus, Sheba, their sizes or their speed.

    6. Sorry for the late, i've totally forgot about this.

      Dude,i dont think you've understand.

      I disagree the two feat i presented, BUT! The second was perfectly accepted by the site community (VsBattles) as an FTL feat of Bayobetta, I honestly did not understand the point of them, probably was:
      "If JubIeus is FTL, Bayonetta also is..."

      You see? I meant that this feat of the satellite is so subject to rejection equal to these two, it is not so solid to be accepted by everyone. Reading your explanation i got a better understanding of your point, but i still dont agree, sorry.

      Well, I have nothing more to add, I'm sorry if I was disrespectful at any moment, that was not my intention.

    7. Sorry for only now getting to you. Google does not notify me about this website.

      I understand completely. But this is simple physics. In order to react to something at point blank, you have to match its speed. You cannot act against something at point blank that goes beyond your own speed. That's physically impossible. This feat cannot be negated. It is more than just solid and easily physically verifiable.

      I'm not quite sure what you were trying to say, but I'm assuming you're trying to compare the legitimacy of Bayonetta's speed feat vs Dante's speed feat in Mundus' universe, which simply does not work. For Bayonetta's speed feat, we are not making assumptions. We saw exactly what happened. This feat is undisputable. Dante's "feat" on the other hand relies on literally nothing but the assumption that, inbetween a cut scene, Dante traveled across universes. We didn't see what happened there, and it is beyond unlikely that this is what happened. There is not a single indicator for that. You are interpreting something in an off-screen scene. This theory is built on literally nothing but not being able to see the stars anymore, which is ridiculous because they fought in a massive layer of clouds where no stars could be visible.

      I don't see where there is anything to agree or disagree with. I appreciate that you're trying to be respectful about this, but as far as I can see, this is a purely factual matter.

    8. Ok so in the anime
      Their is a demon who once rivialed moon disks power a demon called sid aquires this power and says this power is enough to control the demon and human world which means it's more powerful than any other demon with the exception of moon disk and Argosacks sense argos traped and moon disk is well somewhere else at this point and what does dante do?
      He one shots him by barely taping into the power of his devil trigger he doesn't even transform but he one shots him a demon King lvl opponent dante one shots this is not to long after devil may cry one before he couldn't even fight moon disk that well without taping into the power of Sparta and by the end of devil may cry 2 he one shots argosacks to and he kills argosacks without going devil trigger
      Dante also has the bangle of time which stops time and quick silver on top of being really fast
      Also she can't resist time manipulation on her so that would put them on equal speed
      In Devil may cry 2 Dante moves so fast that argosacks can't even sense him.
      Argosacks a demon King lvl enemy in the same realm as moon disk and possibly Sparta himself can't detect dante because he's so fast
      fighter pilot study's demonstrated an ability to perceive an image flashed on the screen for 1/250th of a second now let me ask you a demon King lvl demon what is his reaction time conpared to a humans thousands? Millions ? Trillons of times greater? Dante basically blitz him sense he can't see or detect dante at all.

      Ok so dante who's never shown to go all out 100%
      But he is still Stronger than agrosacks who is demon King lvl


      One shots someone with enough power to rule the human and demon world without even using much of his devil trigger. Not even 100%

      Incredible healing factor

      Devil trigger base- increases speed, power,more access to demonic energy, reguvinates and heals him more than his healing factor did before

      Devil trigger forms

      Alister- shoots lightning and fly

      Infrint- more moves with hell fire which is hotter than magma

      Sparta-fly and ability to lanch off a big as hell fire dragon

      Devil may cry 4 trigger- not really anything besides normal devil trigger effects

      Devil may cry 2 trigger default- usually things + able to be inhansed by the amulet which have diffrent effects depending on what they have in

      Attributes effect elements such as lightning, fire, water

      Support devil heart- slow down time. And an increased healing faster that reguvinates him

      Offense heart- overall more powerful in everything

      Movement based abilitys
      Arial heart- fly
      Quick heart- move even faster
      Majin form- this is his full power devil trigger where he's as strong as he can be, he is invulnerable throught the battle, can fly, shoot hell fire etc
      Dante could very likely kill queen sheab as she is not even the stronget god in her verse blsder made it pretty clear that jubelies had full power it would rule over the trinte of reality and later on when asier ganis his godly power he talks about shapping the universe to his own will, implying he's stronger than Queen sheab aseirs power are shown to be in the same lvl as those of munbus, which he can, he can kill asier and by that logic he can kill sheab

      Yamato can cut through the dimensions and it can also cur through a distance meaning that the "blade" could extend far enough to cut sheba
      And question can she summon Queen sheba in the first place by herself without it killing her? Without jeanne being in the vicinity she can't direct me torward where she can if I'm wrong. And without Queen sheba she doesn't have anything that will put dante down

      Also if you use something like lolipops then donta gets things to like holy water which sends him into his devil trigger and has the power to resurrect him also theirs
      gold orbs which resurrects him on the spot
      Blue orbs which increase your life bar

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. I dont agree with the Satelite feat, for me, since the satellite was in a straight line to her vision ( and she saw it a sec before the impact and the satelite pushed her for a few meters before the throw it, she simply had to hold it, FOR ME, this is a feat of strength, nothing more.

      Then, i present two FTL feats, one of Bayo (Jubileus run in solar system) and one of Dante (Universe Cross) which i disagree with both, them was accepted by a DB community (VsBattles) even being uncertain/dubious for me.
      Dante's feat (Universe Cross) later was considered a outlier by them, but in that date was in discussion.

      Like i said, i've never see this bayo feat before (Satelite) and for me it is far from being a solid feat and easy to be accepted by anyone. Soooo...MY POINT WAS, FOR ME, this feat is so subject to rejection like these two that i presented.

      Today i admit that Bayo has more chances but naah, isnt that stomp.

      But yeah, i dont even care for DB anymore, if a see a discussion like this i just ignore, it's a waste of time/effort, not being arrogant, but no matter what argument you
      use, people can just ignore it or deny it, and I see it everywhere. For me, discussions about DB have become futile and although I admire it a lot people who spends time and energy with them, I dont like it anymore.

      After sort of a whole year, I hope to finally have explained myself clearly. I have no idea when you will respond, but thanks for the attention.

    11. I'm not going to check for answers in this blog anymore, every answer takes months to be seen, if you have something else to tell me you can find me here -


    12. Old comment, but still gonna reply. You have not explained yourself in any way. Marie already explained why the satellite feat is not negated by Bayonetta knowing it's coming, as he/she explained to you that Bayonetta caught it at point. You chose to ignore that in your reply, just repeating "It was in her vision.".

      She also already explained to you that Dante never crossed universes, which you also chose to ignore by just repeating this inexistent feat. One we could invent for Bayonetta as well, by the way. When Jubileus sealed the battlefield with her and Bayonetta inside, we could have also argued that Bayonetta and Jubileus traveled across universes. It's bull. I'm sorry. Anyone claiming that for Bayonetta would be as biased about her as you are about Dante.

      You are not debating. You are just repeating things that people have already proven wrong. That's just straight out bias.

    13. sorry Hamiku Mikuo but bayonetta is more way stronger then dante that's not an opinion more like a fact her feats in her 2 games only is more larger and above all dante's games

    14. No it is an opinion because even in the games it shows that Bayonetta is HUMAN and he isn't. On top of which Bayo literally dies in the thirs game. But even if we were to give her STRENGTH, it takes more than strength to beat someone. Dante is faster and has better durrability than Bayo who only dodges while Dante brushes it off as if they were nothing. So bayonetta can be stronger but shes certainly not faster or more durrable

  9. I'm really irritated on how they pretty much disregarded Dante's most impressive Speed feats while blowing Bayo's out of proportion. Yes, Witch Time can suspend stones in mid-air. Quicksilver does the same, not sure how Witch Time is clearly stronger. Also, there's huge game limitations on Quicksilver, much like Devil Trigger, Dante can clearly keep it up much longer. How about that time Dante sliced a bullet in half while unsheathing his sword? Or when Dante and Vergil literally stopped rain in a decently sized bubble for a few seconds while slashing at each other? The most impressive speed feat from Bayo with no Witch Time is basically dodging bullets point-blank. Both things that I said absolutely stomp that and weren't mentioned.

    Like, if we were talking purely from a gameplay perspective, then yes, Bayo would outright win. That's because Bayonetta puts siginificantly fewer limitations on abilities. If we were to take the canonnical power level of both Dante and Bayo, Dante outright destroys Bayo, seriously. Between Dreadnaught/Majin Form nullifying damage completely(again being told as unreliable) and that unreleased DT form from 4, Dante is faster and significantly more resilient. Yes, Bayo is stronger physically, but that means absolutely jack in a fight like this. Speed and stamina is all that matters, Dante has plenty more. Yes I might be a bit biased, but judging from this article, the team doing this here is as well, except heavily towards Bayo's favor.

    1. The analysis claims Bayonetta's satellite feat to be her most severe speed feat. This beats all of the feats you have mentioned. Even the feat of Dante and Vergil stopping rain, even if this scene never actually happened.

      You're also using gameplay feats of Dante to prove your point that he is superior outside gameplay. Like saying Dreadnaught and Majin nullify damage. This isn't true. This is only the case in gameplay. Just like Umbra Climax makes Bayonetta immortal in gameplay. Dante is also not faster in any way, and his stamina isn't superior either. I strongly believe that you are using information from how the battle turned out on YouTube. This information is inaccurate. Those are not her best feats. Her best feats are in the analysis that I do not believe you have read. This is also why you have no right to claim them being biased. You clearly are not familiar with the details they have provided. I do believe in your bias on the other hand, if I may say this.

  10. Sorry but your Disadvantages about the characters sucks... and that's the more important in a battle: how they can be killed.

    No one knows how exactly kill someone like Dante, yeah Sparda and Vergil are dead but there is no evidence about how they died. You say that "There’s nothing that suggests he could survive, say, decapitation, or being reduced to a mangled pile of organs." But that's not true, if you can't cut his hand like Vergil couldn't do it in DMC3 ending and swords like Rebellion, Alastor and bullets can't create a single scar in his body, how can you think that his head can be cut? XDD An someone says that Deadpool and Wolverine have better regeneration than him... lol yeah right
    In the case of umbran witches, they show in the game how can die, for example Gomorrah hits Jeanne and separated her soul cuz she wanted save Bayonetta from "die"(yeah the all ultrasuperfaster bayo never see that comin xD) and according to Rodin he says this:

    -Rodin: I can't stop you from trying to use 'em, but I don't think you got a chance down there. I'll see what I can do about puttin' her on ice for a while. [picks up Jeanne's Umbran Watch] You'll need this... The heart of an Umbra Witch. The magic that keep your kind alive in this world for eternities. Should keep her body in this realm stable, but you'll need to reunite this with her soul if you're gonna try and bring her back. I figure you got about a day before it's game over.

    So that's mean that without her umbran watches the witches can die... and that is a disvantage too.
    Another things is that almost all of them died in the war, u can see the bodies in the ground, where Loptr killed Rosa with a card (wtf?)
    And to finish, if Aesir is more powerful than Mundus or the Savior why he couldn't kill Bayo and Balder (merely humans :v) even when he stealed the Eyes of the world from them? Bayo defeated Jubileus and Aesir with help for example Jeanne, Balder and Loki helped her to defeat Aesir, so she is not so powerful as you say...
    And if Bayonetta is so fast that can travels from pluton to the earth instantly, why she travels around the world in a plane? XD
    I like a lot Bayonetta but to me she is like Goku, maybe is strongest but she can be killed by things like a "surprise hit" from a not so powerful enemy like Gomorrah, for that she spend almost the time evading and blocking attacks like bullets and swords slashes from the enemies something that Dante is not so much worried to do...

    1. Fair enough. Rodin did say that she doesn't stand much of a chance in Inferno. But he was, obviously, wrong. She was in no desperate situation down there before he showed up to kill Alraune by himself.

      Aesir couldn't kill Bayonetta because she was skilled enough to hold her own against him. Even at his Pinnacle, a multiverse creator and destroyer, Bayonetta was still powerful enough to hold her own against him.

      Jeanne helped kill Jubileus? Like hell she did. Jeanne contributed two things to killing Jubileus. Ripping out the left eye to save Bayonetta from her. And being the secondary catalyst for Sheeba. Other than that, she didn't throw a punch to her.

      I know Rodin said Bayonetta has no chance in Inferno. But he also said she has no chance beating him in a fight. And she proceeded to cram her foot up his ass.

      Rodin has been wrong on many occasions. I wouldn't trust him regarding Bayos powers

    2. This isn't how any of this works. You don't assume something there is no indication for. Nothing indicates in the slightest that Dante is anything near immortal. You are basically using the logic of "if it cannot be disproven, it's true". And this doesn't work. Has Dante shown to be immortal? No. So there is no reason to suggest he is, and there are no indicators for that either. There is no evidence for Dante being immortal and he even has deceased relatives sharing the same blood. As long as no official source stated he is immortal, he is not. By your logic we could grant immortality to a massive amount of characters simply because they, and others of the same species, have not died. As far as evidence is concerned, both Bayonetta and Dante are to be considered mortal.

      Dante's regenerative powers also cannot survive any of the listed kill methods. All he has shown is the ability to re-attach limbs in reach and cure wounds of any sizes. Decapitation through any other method than cutting would bypass that regenerative ability with ease. And Bayonetta has more than just plenty of kill methods sufficient for that.

      Aesir merely didn't manage to kill Bayonetta and Balder in time before he lost his powers. Bayonetta and Balder may be merely humans, but they are far beyond any other human being. They have no human limitation. The aspect of being human for them has to do with them not being gods, yet possessing the powers of gods, namely the Eyes of the World. They are beyond demons of the DMC universe as well. Mundus would have gotten no further. In fact either Bayonetta or Balder could have, going by feats, defeated Mundus in a no-difficulty battle.

      Bayonetta's powers are also not measured by who she defeated. They are measured by her feats, which surpass those of Dante. Not managing to defeat Jubileus and Aesir by herself means both these characters are stronger than her. That's all the information we get out of that.

      You also clearly misunderstood her Pluto feat. Bayonetta crashed from Pluto to Earth. She didn't run or fly that distance. It's a durability feat, not a speed feat. The impressive thing is that she survived this crash, not that she made it to earth this fast. She had no control over how fast she could land on earth.

    3. idk how many sowrd to the chest has baynetta took

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  13. So many triggered bayo bitches foaming in their pussy here, ahh, what a sight!!Eat your hearts out fag.The knock off got butt fucked by the original, that's just logical!!Why so angry??!! XD

  14. in the anime 
    Their is a demon who once rivialed moon disks power a demon called sid aquires this power and says this power is enough to control the demon and human world which means it's more powerful than any other demon with the exception of moon disk and Argosacks sense argos traped and moon disk is well somewhere else at this point and what does dante do? 
    He one shots him by barely taping into the power of his devil trigger he doesn't even transform but he one shots him a demon King lvl opponent dante one shots this is not to long after devil may cry one before he couldn't even fight moon disk that well without taping into the power of Sparta and by the end of devil may cry 2 he one shots argosacks to and he kills argosacks without going devil trigger
    Dante also has the bangle of time which stops time and quick silver on top of being really fast 
    Also she can't resist time manipulation on her so that would put them on equal speed 
    In Devil may cry 2 Dante moves so fast that argosacks can't even sense him. 
    Argosacks a demon King lvl enemy in the same realm as moon disk and possibly Sparta himself can't detect dante because he's so fast 
    fighter pilot study's demonstrated an ability to perceive an image flashed on the screen for 1/250th of a second now let me ask you a demon King lvl demon what is his reaction time conpared to a humans thousands? Millions ? Trillons of times greater? Dante basically blitz him sense he can't see or detect dante at all. 

    Ok so dante who's never shown to go all out 100% 
    But he is still Stronger than agrosacks who is demon King lvl 


    One shots someone with enough power to rule the human and demon world without even using much of his devil trigger. Not even 100%

    Incredible healing factor 

    Devil trigger base- increases speed, power,more access to demonic energy, reguvinates and heals him more than his healing factor did before 

    Devil trigger forms 

    Alister- shoots lightning and fly 

    Infrint- more moves with hell fire which is hotter than magma 

    Sparta-fly and ability to lanch off a big as hell fire dragon 

    Devil may cry 4 trigger- not really anything besides normal devil trigger effects 

    Devil may cry 2 trigger default- usually things + able to be inhansed by the amulet which have diffrent effects depending on what they have in 

    Attributes effect elements such as lightning, fire, water

    Support devil heart- slow down time. And an increased healing faster that reguvinates him 

    Offense heart- overall more powerful than base
    Majin form- this is his full power devil trigger where he's as strong as he can be, he is invulnerable throught the battle, can fly, shoot hell fire etc
    Dante could very likely kill queen sheab as she is not even the stronget god in her verse blsder made it pretty clear that jubelies had full power it would rule over the trinte of reality and later on when asier ganis his godly power he talks about shapping the universe to his own will, implying he's stronger than Queen sheab aseirs power are shown to be in the same lvl as those of munbus, which he can, he can kill asier and by that logic he can kill sheab 

    Yamato can cut through the dimensions and it can also cur through a distance meaning that the "blade" could extend far enough to cut sheba 
    And question can she summon Queen sheba in the first place by herself without it killing her? Without jeanne being in the vicinity she can't direct me torward where she can if I'm wrong. And without Queen sheba she doesn't have anything that will put dante down 

    Also if you use something like lolipops then donta gets things to like holy water which sends him into his devil trigger and has the power to resurrect him also theirs 
    gold orbs which resurrects him on the spot 
    Blue orbs which increase your life bar
    If we judge by Vergil 3 after cutscene, Verg was cut in half by Dante and then his upper body got reattached to lower after the sword was out of the way
    How with all that you say she wins?

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  16. Meh, bayonetta fans really exagerating it. She's a human and Dante is a Demon with OP regenerating ability. What? She killed a God? Meh who cares, Dante Kill one too, and ALONE. So it might be impresive for human to kill a god. But not on Dante level, one stab and she can't regenerate.

    1. dante feats is nothing comparing to bayonetta strong lvl and feats
      he can beat bayo and he will never

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. sorry but bayonetta is way more stronger then him in many way
    they try to make him cool and strong then her in DB
    while the truth he is strong no doubt but when he reach bayonetta feats and strength his nothing compare to her

    1. Yeah no shes not. And not by aany stronger metrics, In fact all of bayos feats pale in comparison to his. Try again

  19. Just gonna ignore all of dantes universal and multiversal plus immeasurable speed feats huh, meanwhile bayo caps at star level. Ok kids. Good to know never to take you his seriously ever again

    1. Go fuck yourself lol . Dnate is not universal or multiversal

    2. Ovviously you don't know how to power scale. If he can beat a multiversal enemy and has the power to actually take out Multiversal beings then he's multiversal. Please educate yourself.
